2nd annual Kansas scraps hunt

He’s somewhere in this draw, just gotta find him.

Guys, I did it. Just back to the truck. I put a bunch of videos on my Instagram story @sons_of_the_sod.


I’ve been after a mature deer in my home state with a bow for a long time. I’ve missed deer, I’ve wounded deer, messed up more stalks than you can imagine. He’s just a tremendous buck for around here and I am thrilled.

Ima get back to my tent and fire up the stove and post the story.
Awesome deer! I grew up in Western Kansas and have the goal of getting back sometime to do just what you did. Congrats!!
Alright. So spotted him at first light getting a drink. He drank for 18 minutes! He was solo, ditched all the ladies. After drinking he walked down into a draw I couldn’t see in, so I gave it some time to make sure he wasn’t rolling country. Then I moved closer and basically walked all the way around that draw looking into all the cuts and hidey places. Found him in the cut closest to where I last saw him, and he bedded about mid ridge. My rangefinder said he was 30 yards from the lip behind him, so I went all the way back around and came in on top of him.

Wind was good but faint, too faint. I only moved during wind or when a plane flew over. Got to 40 yards and decided to sit tight. I was over him for at least an hour, no puffy no gloves. At one point he stood up and I tried to draw my bow but couldn’t, too weak and cold, I was shivering. He immediately re-bed, but this time his vitals were showing. His body was broadside but he was facing directly away. So I stood and drew, barely got my bow back, and 40 yards sent it. The shot broke before I expected and I thought I missed him clean until I heard that THUD! And he ran off with my arrow sticking halfway out his broadside, perfect shot. He piled up 100 yards away in just a few seconds. That was about 2pm so it took a bit, but was just patient.

Took two trips out. Damn deer are heavier than I remember. I took the cape because he might be a deer I was after two years ago. Got to look at some video and see if it’s him, and if it is I’ll shoulder mount him. Else, euro.

This is 4 years of failure redeemed in one glorious day in some beautiful country. I’m so pumped.
Same buck as before or not, you should do the shoulder mount. Lots invested in this awesome buck. Will be a memory forever. Congrats.
Guys, I did it. Just back to the truck. I put a bunch of videos on my Instagram story @sons_of_the_sod.


I’ve been after a mature deer in my home state with a bow for a long time. I’ve missed deer, I’ve wounded deer, messed up more stalks than you can imagine. He’s just a tremendous buck for around here and I am thrilled.

Ima get back to my tent and fire up the stove and post the story.
Nice buck buddy! A KS toad! Goal for 22 is to head west out there.