30-30 Copper ammo (Barnes) penciled through Whitetail Buck this morning...thoughts?

I've had similar performance with Hornady SST sabots out of a 12 gauge and FTX bullets in a 45-70 at times. Doing a lot of doe control in hilly country, I want them to drop where they're at above or near logging roads. Shooting them on the shoulder solves the problem entirely. There's not enough meat on the front shoulders to worry about spoiling some IMO.
Honestly for the 30-30 Barnes would not be my first choice. The 30-30 screams cup and core. Plain old Core lokt's have probably killed more whitetail than any other in the 30-30. Second would be the leverevolutions by Hornady. It is a moderate speed short range rig and it won't ever be anything else. Nothing wrong with that at all. Operate within its capabilities and it will do just fine. I have my great Grandfather's model 54 and 94 and enjoy taking them out once in a while wearing his red woolrich and Stormy Kromer. Yes Elmer Fud has got nothing on me on those days. LOL
I would break shoulders, or try the hornady monoflex (but I'd still try to break shoulders) or Lehigh or hammer if you can find someone to load them for you.
If you were interested in the leaded options it's pretty tough to beat most of the traditional soft point options, I really like the bonded federal fusion offerings.
Remember those big fat pencils we all had when we were kids. Probably got them from the book fair. If you use that to measure, ALL Barnes pencil through. ;)
try the hornady monoflex

I shot quite a few deer with those, all at close range. They would likely be the most rokslide approved .30-30 bullet. Best BC by a long ways, and very few of them exited. They always came apart to some degree. Killed very effectively but no exit and one poor blood trail and needing a dog sent me back to regular 170gr soft points.
Honestly for the 30-30 Barnes would not be my first choice. The 30-30 screams cup and core. Plain old Core lokt's have probably killed more whitetail than any other in the 30-30. Second would be the leverevolutions by Hornady. It is a moderate speed short range rig and it won't ever be anything else. Nothing wrong with that at all. Operate within its capabilities and it will do just fine. I have my great Grandfather's model 54 and 94 and enjoy taking them out once in a while wearing his red woolrich and Stormy Kromer. Yes Elmer Fud has got nothing on me on those days. LOL
I 100% agree 30-30 excelled with 150gr or 170gr cup and core
But I wouldn’t be adverse to those barns, they’re good just a bit different
I usually don’t believe folks who say barns penciled through with out expanding, they normally are full of crap
Probably got them from the book fair. If you use that to measure, ALL Barnes pencil through. ;)
Ahhh the book fair remeber that :) Laughing
I have my 30-30 sighted in with Leverevolution. Anyone have feedback for that? I've never put one through an animal so have zero real world experience.
Well if you put a cast iron pan on the other side of the animal it will = steak and mushrooms. Rapid expansion and lots of jello for desert.
Your bullet worked just fine and that projectile is designed specifically for 30-30 velocities. There is no way to predict how far a deer will run unless you damage their CNS.
Hammer also makes both 120gr and 143gr bullets for lever-guns. I’ve got some of the 120’s loaded up for my 336. I intended to use them on javelinas, but unfortunately haven’t gotten the opportunity to test them yet.
I shot a “trophy” does years ago in the NE corner of Wyoming with a 160g Barnes X out of a 338 Win. Shot her on the point of the shoulder and gutted her out of the hole between her last rib and back leg. Plenty of expansion 😐
To the OP, how big is your pinky finger? The bullet you shot is .308, typically Barnes double in size on expansion, probably close to .600, kind of about the size of my pinky finger. Dead deer, sounds like the bullet did its job as it was designed. Unless you recover the bullet you will never know what it did expansion wise. Unless the Barnes bullet hits bone and blows that said bone through the off side hide, you will never have a big exit wound.
Hammer also makes both 120gr and 143gr bullets for lever-guns. I’ve got some of the 120’s loaded up for my 336. I intended to use them on javelinas, but unfortunately haven’t gotten the opportunity to test them yet.
Wish there was a place that sold the ammo, I don't reload