Feedback on Whitetail Shot

You did your due diligence, and that is admirable. Most of us bowhunters have been there, and it definitely sucks. Shake it off! (easy to say, I know) But I've enjoyed 40 years of bowhunting that I wouldn't have if I didn't get back in the saddle after a less than stellar shot.
And you may not even read this, if you don't return to the site, but that is a decision you'll regret as well. The off season is long, and this is a great place to be.
Great buck btw!
Great buck! Glad you found him - knowing exactly what happened is much better than not! Sharing is also good, because it might help others down the road!

I would agree with others that your shot likely wasnt what you thought it was. When looking through your peep (animal completely fills up sight picture) it is very hard to tell if they move at the last second or not. Add in some excitement and it can lead to head scratchers like this one.

I have personally shot multiple deer that I was 100% certain were stopped broad side, only to have them move as the shot broke or react to the shot.
That is an outstanding buck and I’m glad you were able to find him! I admire your persistence in finding this buck as well. I’m in agreement with the others that have said he was likely quartering to you more than you thought or he moved a good bit after the shot and prior to impact.

There’s a lot of great information on this forum and I hope you continue to share your experiences here.
(y)OP- I admire your persistence and follow up on the recovery of this deer. Although it may not have been the complete outcome you desired this is nothing to quit bow hunting over. 2025 will be my 50th season of learning and evolving in this sport. You made a memory this year that will help you later on in the future. At some point weather it be consciously or subconsciously at the time it is recalled is yet to be determined. I would not take the others comments as criticism but more so discussion and the feedback requested. You have shown that you have what it takes to be an ethical hunter which in today’s day and age is not as common as one would think. You need to have a little bark on you if you going to run through the forest at times. Stick around the campfire here and take things with a grain of salt . In the hunting world paitience is a must, wait for it and good things will follow. Keep building the memories.

Congratulations on your best buck to date and hope that there will be more on the way.
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Glad you got some closure. The whole entrance and exit on the same side is not something that seems normal, just one of those flukes I guess.

Best thing is you are getting sleep again. Nice looking buck!

Your record is pretty good. I know some guys who lose 1-2 a year and keep going. I had quit after losing 2 bucks and started again but not my favorite hunting style.
How do you come to this conclusion? You took a horrible shot and now have to deal with consequences. What you should reconsider is your decision-making process when archery hunting, these animals deserve better, and you failed..... not your equipment.

While the OP needs to just admit they made a bad shot, this also seems a bit excessive as well. He just made a bad shot. It has literally happened to everyone if they've been hunting long enough.
Congrats on finding the buck. I had two buddies this year that had some pretty crazy deflections on their shots when it hit a rib, so who am I to rule anything out. Just glad you found him in the end, and hopefully there will be lessons learned for future hunts. It sucks, but we make mistakes sometimes. As long as you take the opportunity to learn and correct yourself in the future, that is what matters most.
Congrats on finding the buck. I had two buddies this year that had some pretty crazy deflections on their shots when it hit a rib, so who am I to rule anything out. Just glad you found him in the end, and hopefully there will be lessons learned for future hunts. It sucks, but we make mistakes sometimes. As long as you take the opportunity to learn and correct yourself in the future, that is what matters most.

It doesn't sound to me like the OP has anything to learn or correct at all. Sometimes shit happens that's just out of our control. This was just a messed up situation. Very nice buck though OP and I'm sorry it went down this way.