2nd shingles vaccine dose


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Staff member
Oct 2, 2012
Lowman, Idaho
Got my 2nd shot yesterday. Holy shit i had a horrible night. Chills, fever, body aches all night and a splitting headache this morning.
Hard to believe it helps.
Feel a wee bit better this AM and hopefully never have to go through the shingles virus again.

Had a guy that I worked with decide that he was healthy and didn't need to get the shingles virus shots. When he came down with shingles, he weighed 165 pounds. At the pinnacle of his fight, he had dropped to 98 pounds! He had a rash over almost his entire body. The rash on his face got so bad that the doctors thought that he might even lose his sight.

I'm not a real vaccine guy, (as one that is still suffering from ill effects of the covid shots) and I don't get a flu shot BUT I did get my shingles vaccine. A day or two of pain is really worth it.
Got my 2nd shot yesterday. Holy shit i had a horrible night. Chills, fever, body aches all night and a splitting headache this morning.
Hard to believe it helps.
Feel a wee bit better this AM and hopefully never have to go through the shingles virus again.

My family for whatever has predisposition shingles. I got it twice in my 30’s, my brother got it in his 30’s, etc.

The shingles shot isn’t particularly fun, but I haven’t had shingles since. Well worth it.
I researched the vaccine and the alternative. It was the height of covid. I got my first dose without any effects. The day after the second dose I was down and out for 4-5 days. Every joint ached, serious fatigue, fever, night sweats, etc. I can only assume it was from that shot. 33 years of jabs from Uncle Sam and this was the worst of all of the shots I ever got. I still think it was better than getting shingles from what I heard.
I researched the vaccine and the alternative. It was the height of covid. I got my first dose without any effects. The day after the second dose I was down and out for 4-5 days. Every joint ached, serious fatigue, fever, night sweats, etc. I can only assume it was from that shot. 33 years of jabs from Uncle Sam and this was the worst of all of the shots I ever got. I still think it was better than getting shingles from what I heard.
Sounds like my experience as well.
2nd one is no joke.

I've had shingles and believe me the shot side effects are a lot better than having shingles. Oh and I've had the shots too...after I had shingles.
My first one went fine. Got my second one a few weeks ago anticipating some ill-effects, but it went smoothly as well.

I'm glad I got it done...thanks again for the discussion here. I was dragging my feet after all the Covid boosters, but the discussion here prompted me to move my ass and get it done.
Funny how everyone reacts differently. I had shingles about 10 years ago and it was a bit uncomfortable for a few days, but not intolerable or debilitating.
Funny how everyone reacts differently. I had shingles about 10 years ago and it was a bit uncomfortable for a few days, but not intolerable or debilitating.
Everyone is different for sure. I had a guy working for me who got it on the side of his head around his ear. He lost all his hair on that side (it grew back about 6 months later) and his Dr was afraid he was going to have permanent damage to his eye. Shingles are nothing to screw around with.
Had a guy that I worked with decide that he was healthy and didn't need to get the shingles virus shots. When he came down with shingles, he weighed 165 pounds. At the pinnacle of his fight, he had dropped to 98 pounds! He had a rash over almost his entire body. The rash on his face got so bad that the doctors thought that he might even lose his sight.

I'm not a real vaccine guy, (as one that is still suffering from ill effects of the covid shots) and I don't get a flu shot BUT I did get my shingles vaccine. A day or two of pain is really worth it.
guess ill be scheduling my second shot now after reading this been putting it off second covid shot almost killed me not touching that again
I had a bone marrow transplant for a rare lymphoma, in Seattle last summer so I now have a brand new immune system, courtesy of my brother. Got home beginning of September, noticed a rash on my side and all down back of a leg.
Dr. asked if it hurt or itches but I never felt a thing! I'm on a variety of drugs and one of them fights that so I'd imagine that's why it was so minimal. I go back to get my baby vaccines in August. That one for chicken pox(shingles) might be the following year tho cuz it's a live one. Yeah, I've heard it really sucks.
I STILL have the rash, slowly fading , but how long have your guys rash marks lasted?
Mine never even got crusty or anything. Just weird tattoos.
I had a bone marrow transplant for a rare lymphoma, in Seattle last summer so I now have a brand new immune system, courtesy of my brother. Got home beginning of September, noticed a rash on my side and all down back of a leg.
Dr. asked if it hurt or itches but I never felt a thing! I'm on a variety of drugs and one of them fights that so I'd imagine that's why it was so minimal. I go back to get my baby vaccines in August. That one for chicken pox(shingles) might be the following year tho cuz it's a live one. Yeah, I've heard it really sucks.
I STILL have the rash, slowly fading , but how long have your guys rash marks lasted?
Mine never even got crusty or anything. Just weird tattoos.
If you’re on antivirals already, there’s a solid chance of mild rash. But it can last a very long time.

I know several people with long term damage from shingles. My second case was disseminated and I thought I was gonna die. It was miserable.
Thanks for the reminder, I've had it twice although the 2nd time was very mild.

Not a vax fan but I do want this one. The shingles is not joke.
I had them all along the never bundles behind my ear up into my scalp 6 or seven years ago, man did that suck!

My doctor told me they won’t give me the vaccination until I am 50 (mid 40’s now) I am getting is as soon as I can
If you’re on antivirals already, there’s a solid chance of mild rash. But it can last a very long time.

I know several people with long term damage from shingles. My second case was disseminated and I thought I was gonna die. It was miserable.
Ok, yeah first noticed the rash sometime November. Still there but still as mild and seems to be fading. Getting it for real must SUCK!
I'm no doctor but I do play one on TV......😉

Here is what I think happened with me. I got my first vaccine last May and just forgot about getting the 2nd dose.
Come Nov. 1st, I was backpacked in 3 miles from any kind of help and was solo.
Couldn't hardly see in the morning and got the heck out to the nearest help. Knew something was wrong but figured it was some sort of bite. Spent a day hydrating and downing benadryl........nothing worked and upon my first contact, the person said, "oh, you got shingles."
I suppose I had a moderate case compared to some I've read and I think that's due to me already having the first shot. I still have some tingling in my left eye and some itching but no rash. That was 4 months ago and some people have it for years or forever.
