Well if you're reading this you. might as well grab a refreshing beverage, this could get long.
I love seeing any hunter harvest an animal that they are proud of, no matter what the size. The fun part of hunting Whitetail is going to the buck poles scattered through Michigan on Nov. 15 and hearing the hunting stories. It's a large portion of the fun telling your success story, or the heart breaker of losing a Big buck, maybe even the funny crazy wild stories that these tales turn into. You know the "You had to be there Moments."
So here's my Question, Why Lie? Why twist the story to protect a hunting spot, why keep the info to yourself to prevent others from knowing the kill property?
It takes the fun out of it completely, it ruins the camaraderie of deer hunting. It doesn't give the Old wise buck the respect and dignity it deserves.
Heres the Story, just a warning it might get long. Ill try to keep it interesting and thought provoking.
For the last three years I've been watching a buck grow across the road from my house. Needless to say he turned into a Giant the last couple years. It is a somewhat busy road and the property he calls home is public city property that is somewhat normally occupied. This buck has become relatively well know due to talking between locals and his famous November Love ignorance, by standing about 100yrds off the road with a doe for two days in a wide-open field. It attracts the crowd and people driving by to stop and stare, personally I love it. As long as they aren't trying to shoot him from the road, I'm happy people have the opportunity to feast their eyes on his beautiful rack.
This buck has been on my personal property only twice that I'm aware of in the last year, but every night I sat on my front porch this summer and watched him and his other group of 15 bucks grow from Spike horns to Giants. He lives on a property that no hunting is allowed but obviously becomes love struck and wanders off chasing the Love's of his life for a couple months a year.
Lets get to the point right??? So, I arrive home on a Saturday from a long 9 day back country trip, tired and exhausted I look for him in the spotting scope that evening to no avail. On a hunting schedule I go to bed embarrassing early and wake up Sunday morning about 4AM. Sitting on the couch waiting for the sun to come up so I can glass the area across the street I receive a text from a good friend. The text reads "Are you up?" in which I reply at around 6:00AM "Yes Im just watching T.V.". My friend pulls in the driveway about 10 minutes after and says get in.
We are shooting the shit and he says " I feel terrible, I shot your deer." confused I ask what he's referring to. He explains that the Giant we had all watched was in his backyard randomly the day before and he smoked it. He lives about 1.5 miles away on the same road as I do. I'm ecstatic for him, a little pissed he didn't send me a picture. But all in all not one ounce of disappointment or jealousness, I'm literally so happy! So we are on the way to his barn where this buck of a lifetime is hanging.
We pull in and I damn near run to the door, I could not wait to feast my eyes and put my hands on those antlers. He unlocks the door and we walk in, he almost got bigger hanging upside down compared to the countless hours I stared at him from my front porch. It's at this point forward that makes me wonder, why?
He says I told everyone that I shot it on my other property (about an hour south). I asked him in a disgusted tone " Why in the hell would you say that?" He tells me that he doesn't want people to encroach in this area because this buck was killed here. I just shook my head and had a shitty feeling come over me, because that's the end of the legacy. No standing in a barn, just looking at the deer hangin there, no drinking beer and frying the inner loins and listening to the story for the one hundredth time, no showing pictures of him growing. Thats the anticlimactic end to a beautiful 174" net michigan monster. The whole block and every hunter within 10 miles knew of that buck.
If this posts helps deter one person from making the same mistake, then its worth this ridiculously long ramble.
Folks that's the best part of hunting, the memories, the stories, the adventures. That buck deserved to go out different. Now as you can image its a big stink of the town, a few pictures got passed around now everyone knows he's dead and wasn't killed an hour to the south. They all know where he lived and know the story doesn't add up.
You have any interesting anticlimactic stories that should have turned out different, but because of the big antler culture it got twisted into a web of smoke and mirrors for absolutely no reason?
Thanks for reading this, hopefully you enjoyed the story.