.270 Win enough for a Mountain Goat?

killed a few, they are tough!

Use a well constructed bullet. I only shoot barnes tsx anymore. Try to get a front should/lung shot. They will go a ways for sure. The big billy I killed years ago, jumped off a cliff, about a 150' fall, got up and skirted the mountain in a creek bed. We got to where he hit the ground and all there was was white fur and blood. Tracked him around the mountain and finished him off. An incredibly tough animal! They are big too! Way bigger than a sheep, so trying to get one boned out with cape and horns will be one hell of a pack out! I was shocked at the body size when I walked up to it.
I shot my goat with my .30 Gibbs and a 180 gr Nosler Partition bullet. Less than a 100 yd bang flop shot. In the next few years 3 of my friends drew goat tags (one drew 2) in that same unit and they all got their goats with one shot kills. One with his .270, and the other 3 with their .22-250.

I shot my billy in knee to crotch deep snow near the top of the mountain. My friends shot their goats in the same drainage, but much lower down the mountain, with one being at the bottom of the valley.

I completely skinned our my goat and put his hide and head in my pack. I then pulled his body a few feet to the edge of a cliff and pushed him off, worked my way around the cliff, then repeated that to the bottom of the valley. Too bad I didn't lose it on one of those cliffs. Worst meat that I ever smelled.

My taxidermist said mine was one of the largest body goats that he ever mounted and wanted to do a full mount of him. He even reduced the price of a full mount in half, but back then I didn't have room and only had a half mount made. I've regretted that decision ever since, and have applied and not drawn another goat tag in over 45 years.


I shot my goat with my .30 Gibbs and a 180 gr Nosler Partition bullet. Less than a 100 yd bang flop shot. In the next few years 3 of my friends drew goat tags (one drew 2) in that same unit and they all got their goats with one shot kills. One with his .270, and the other 3 with their .22-250.

I shot my billy in knee to crotch deep snow near the top of the mountain. My friends shot their goats in the same drainage, but much lower down the mountain, with one being at the bottom of the valley.

I completely skinned our my goat and put his hide and head in my pack. I then pulled his body a few feet to the edge of a cliff and pushed him off, worked my way around the cliff, then repeated that to the bottom of the valley. Too bad I didn't lose it on one of those cliffs. Worst meat that I ever smelled.

My taxidermist said mine was one of the largest body goats that he ever mounted and wanted to do a full mount of him. He even reduced the price of a full mount in half, but back then I didn't have room and only had a half mount made. I've regretted that decision ever since, and have applied and not drawn another goat tag in over 45 years.


Very nice. And great old pics!

Can you share more about the kills from the .22 cal bullets if you have those details?
270 130gr should break both shoulders and plant it , any decent bullet will work , I don’t think they are any tougher than a aoudad ram , and a good accubond , fedral Terminal accent, barns ttsx, I hate the eldx for stout game like aoudad , nilgai, African plains game , elk