Watched my 13 year old nephew pound an elk this fall with my late Grandfather's .243 using a handloaded 100 grain nosler solid base bullet this fall.
Shot was 362 yards, hit the elk just in front of the on-side shoulder, bullet was under the hide of the off side shoulder after breaking the shoulder blade.
Had good blood after about 2-3 yards from the spot of bullet impact:
Piled up maybe 80 yards or so later:
Happy camper:
I've shot several elk with a 6mm Rem. no problems at all and another with the same .243 that my nephew shot his with.
No trouble that time either.
I've gone full circle over the last 40 years shooting elk. Started with a 6mm, went to a 30/06 for alot of years, then a .338 for a lot of years, then a 7 RM for several years, then to a 7-08 which I've shot 19 elk with in the last several years. I'm going to start shooting my 6mm more at elk.
What I've learned along the way, killing 77 elk in the process...the 3 most important things to killing elk is: Shot placement, shot placement, and shot placement. After that bullet construction.
I say shoot what you shoot best, stay within your limits, and let the "experts" worry about ft. lbs, taking chitty shots on elk, and crowing about how you need a magnum to kill one...