It’s isn’t 1895. Projectiles that exist now, weren’t even fathomable 50 years ago, let alone 130 years ago. Interestingly, there wasn’t a single projectile in 1906 that could be loaded in a 30/06 that can do what any number of 6mm projectiles can do now. I only watched 6 elk get killed this year out to 735 yards and the largest cartridge used was a 6.5 CM. No issues.
I’m a fan of killing without fuss and the least amount of rodeos possible. Whether it’s extremely experienced hunters and shooters, or first year people, as recoil goes up, so to do poor outcomes.
In multiples of hundreds of animals killed with very small .224 cartridges to extremely large 338’s, the cartridge/bullet combo that has had the least amount of screw ups, and hence the highest shot to kill rate is the 223-77gr TMK. Next, has been the 243 with a couple of different bullets. The cartridges with the most missed shots, most wounded animals, most tracking, most lost animals that were hit, and most rodeos are all magnums; and magnums with monos especially.
I’m not a pea shooter advocate, I’m a whatever results in the most kill success advocate. The first one hundred or so deer I killed were almost entirely with 300 magnums because those who taught me believed they were so much better. Having killed a lot more since then, and having seen a lot more killed since then, “bigger is better” has not played out at all.