Okay here would be the plan for a brown/grizzly bear this spring. I'm heavily involved with Cross Trail Outfitters which is basically a Christian mentoring program for young men via hunting and fishing trips. They do some great work if anyone is interested in helping out or sending a kid on a trip.
Last year the boys shot three black bears.
So if we see a bear there is a very high chance that I won't be the shooter. More then likely I'll have a 12-14 year old boy shooting first with me as backup. So to be honest, we'll try for a grizzly but if I have a 13 year old on his first hunt I'm not going to say "no" to a black bear that is right there to wait for a grizzly that might not show up.
Here is our basic plan for whole spring to fall hunting season
May - We put out bear baits in a couple locations (for later in June). Depending on snow levels we hope to backpack hunting in the mountains. This is fun hunting. The Kenia is one destination. I might or might not try a more remote hunt with another guy, probably an adult trip that would be a bit too crazy for kids.
June - I'll be sitting on bear baits with the CTO boys pretty much every weekend. Almost a sure thing we kill some black bears. Grizzlies tend to be less consistent but we might get a shot at one.
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July - Sort of a slow month but we might go hiking in the mountains to explore for bears and scout new moose hunting areas.
August - Bears start eating berries in the mountains and they don't tend to roam as far. We almost had a grizzly this way last fall but he gave us the slip. We did get a black bear and two other friends of mine got bears.
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September - This is more up in the air. Berry bears are still easy to hunt (not counting the hike up the mountain) but its moose season too. If I have time we do a 10 day moose hunt in an area that often has grizzlies. If we don't have that much time we'll do weekend trips focused on spot and stack bears on berries. Its more of a black bear area but if there are grizzlies they tend to be doing the same thing (eating berries). We'd definitely chase a grizzly if we saw one.
So there is the plan if someone wants to loan us a rifle for a part of that period we'd do our best to bloody it with as many species as possible with a priority on a grizzly kill. I usually film our hunts so I could get the autopsy on video too.
A 16 inch barrel would be perfect because I'd probably stick a suppressor on it. As far as stocks I like the normal stock just fine. I'd actually prefer NOT to have a special ROkstock on it because its the part most likely to be damaged in shipping or broken if a boy takes a fall, steep places we hunt.
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Actually if no one objected I might stick a compact stock on there for our smaller guys.