Not going to comment on the price, as I have not tracked it in recent times… but in stock alert for Black Hills TMK.
By case:
Black Hills Ammunition 5.56 Nato 77gr TMK Sierra 2750 FPS 50/box [10 Boxes] 500 Round Case
Black Hills Ammunition 5.56 Nato 77gr TMK Sierra 2750 FPS 50/box [10 Boxes] 500 Round Case | FREE
And per box:
Black Hills Ammunition 5.56 Nato 77gr TMK Sierra MatchKing 2750 FPS 50/box
Black Hills Ammunition 5.56 Nato 77gr TMK Sierra MatchKing 2750 FPS 50/
The magic number for free shipping appears to be $250. Godspeed.
Having just bought a few boxes of this ammo from them, 4 boxes will get you to free shipping. I'm resisting a case until I get the ammo tested to make sure it's loved and groups acceptably.