.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Was just thinking for hand loading.
Willing to ream the throat out to seat em properly if they were a worth while bullet.
Probably still better off spending the extra money on tmks.
Weird to be all emotional about it but I do like Hornady as a company. Which means something I think..
I just think the 80 ELDM is better suited for a bigger cartridge with enough mag length and internal capacity to push the bullet appropriate speeds. The 22 Creedmoor, 22 GT, or any of the bigger 22 centerfire cases would be a better fit for that bullet than the 223.

What rifle is that?
It is a break open single shot made by Blaser, their K95 model. Single shots like this are popular in Europe for stalking, mostly in Central Europe in countries like Germany and Austria where they refer to them as "kipplaufs".
They are light, and accurate, and barrels for different cartridges are fully interchangeable. Their overall length is far shorter than any bolt rifle since they save the length of the action.
Broken down they will fit in a backpack, leaving your hands free, and will fit in a small hardcase, making them very convenient when travelling with them.
I almost don't use any other guns when stalking.
On a t3 223 you can run the 80eldm without modifying the throat or BM if you get a Waters Mag that allows for 2.6 coal. Although with the factory throat the 80eldm touch’s the lands at 2.440” but I can still run them comfortably at 2650fps in a 16” Bbl.

I have only shot one deer with them so far at 150yards that was a full pass through with a half inch exit. I think they will handle deer sized game without issue as I’ve got full pass throughs with 53gr v max out to 200 yards on deer in a 26” Bbl
On a t3 223 you can run the 80eldm without modifying the throat or BM if you get a Waters Mag that allows for 2.6 coal. Although with the factory throat the 80eldm touch’s the lands at 2.440” but I can still run them comfortably at 2650fps in a 16” Bbl.

I have only shot one deer with them so far at 150yards that was a full pass through with a half inch exit. I think they will handle deer sized game without issue as I’ve got full pass throughs with 53gr v max out to 200 yards on deer in a 26” Bbl
You got full pass through on deer with the 53 vmax? I got one on a coyote at 94 yards with my HBAR, but it surprises me on deer. Impressive for a such a small/ light bullet.
I have twice on deer with the vmax. I was surprised as well but they were both small does, around 80-90 lbs.
Not a 223 rem, but figured I'd link my 22cm experience. Also, when I was removing one of the shoulders, I made some wrong cuts, encountering resistance, realized I was cutting through the top of the scapula, good thing my knife is a magnum or it would have bounced off.

Shot a bull elk tuesday morning. 88gr ELD-m, 2860 at the muzzle. 489 yards, broadside. Shot him twice, he managed turned himself around, I considered sending a third round, but he collapsed right as I decided he didn't need it. He made it maybe 3 yards from where he stood when I shot, and that was mostly gravity. Onside shoulder a little bloodshot, but not too bad. Offside shoulder was clean, never found any fragments or jacket. Didn't dig too deep, he died on a south face in the sun, so I was in a bit of a hurry.

Tikka stainless with a Preferred prefit, in a Stockys VG, NF Atacr 4-16 Mil C. Tripod set up just high enough to clear the brush.View attachment 615763View attachment 615764View attachment 615765View attachment 615762
Nice setup
Ugh. I just need to go pick up one of the Stainless Tikka’s already. I’ve got them found, I have a 6.5 CTR I can let go of in the process, I could literally have one by the end of the day. Heck I even have a scope and rings already. I just need to bite the bullet and do it. Love seeing this thread being updated!
Ugh. I just need to go pick up one of the Stainless Tikka’s already. I’ve got them found, I have a 6.5 CTR I can let go of in the process, I could literally have one by the end of the day. Heck I even have a scope and rings already. I just need to bite the bullet and do it. Love seeing this thread being updated!
There’s one in the gun classifieds. It’s a decent price. You can point out to the guy that he told everyone that Tikka SS can be had for $730 new and that anyone willing to pay more is an idiot. Maybe that’ll bring him down in price?
There’s one in the gun classifieds. It’s a decent price. You can point out to the guy that he told everyone that Tikka SS can be had for $730 new and that anyone willing to pay more is an idiot. Maybe that’ll bring him down in price?
I’ve got 2 found local to me too, and they’ll take the CTR on trade too. I’m surprised I’ve found them as easily as I have honestly. I’ve lusted after one for a year and just haven’t taken the plunge. I really just need to do it, the 6.5 I picked up in February is gettin burned up already, to the point I have a barrel in my safe and am prepping to swap it over. I need to just rip off the bandaid and get the 223 here already.
It is a break open single shot made by Blaser, their K95 model. Single shots like this are popular in Europe for stalking, mostly in Central Europe in countries like Germany and Austria where they refer to them as "kipplaufs".
They are light, and accurate, and barrels for different cartridges are fully interchangeable. Their overall length is far shorter than any bolt rifle since they save the length of the action.
Broken down they will fit in a backpack, leaving your hands free, and will fit in a small hardcase, making them very convenient when travelling with them.
I almost don't use any other guns when stalking.
It is also beautiful, though my view may be skewered as all I tend to see are stainless guns with synthetic stockings. The Blazer still has nice lines, even if I put wood on my Encore it would be like putting lipstick on a pig.

Thank you for the additional information.
Well, I feel a tad silly. After reading this thread I have a 223 Tikka that is being cut and thread, I have a suppressor in jail, and I have reloading equipment coming so I can shoot TMKs (and already have components and the TMKs).

This is all @fwafwow fault and when I have to explain to my wife that she cannot buy more nail polish, even though I used all of her's I'm going to blame him, and @Formidilosus of course. 🛡️🛡️

If I get comfortable shooting past 200 yards, I'm just going to credit my own genius of course. :p

On the other side, with the cost of ammo locally (shipping is not really an option in AK), even if shooting TMKs I will break even at about 1500 shots (reloading vs buying 223) and another 1500 shots will put me ahead on buying the 223 compared to sticking with my 308 (buying 308 vs 223 ammo), not to mention I'll be more likely to actually shoot that many shots and get the skill that comes with it.
Well, I feel a tad silly. After reading this thread I have a 223 Tikka that is being cut and thread, I have a suppressor in jail, and I have reloading equipment coming so I can shoot TMKs (and already have components and the TMKs).

This is all @fwafwow fault and when I have to explain to my wife that she cannot buy more nail polish, even though I used all of her's I'm going to blame him, and @Formidilosus of course. 🛡️🛡️

If I get comfortable shooting past 200 yards, I'm just going to credit my own genius of course. :p

On the other side, with the cost of ammo locally (shipping is not really an option in AK), even if shooting TMKs I will break even at about 1500 shots (reloading vs buying 223) and another 1500 shots will put me ahead on buying the 223 compared to sticking with my 308 (buying 308 vs 223 ammo), not to mention I'll be more likely to actually shoot that many shots and get the skill that comes with it.

Promise you’re gonna love shooting this rifle AND you’re gonna be impressed by the terminal performance.
will break even at about 1500 shots (reloading vs buying 223) and another 1500 shots will put me ahead on buying the 223 compared to sticking with my 308 (buying 308 vs 223 ammo), not to mention I'll be more likely to actually shoot that many shots and get the skill that comes with it.

Nobody ever saves money. You will spend the same amount as you always have. You will just shoot more. This saving money and putting you ahead of what centerfire ammo costs...yea thats a myth :ROFLMAO:
Well, I feel a tad silly. After reading this thread I have a 223 Tikka that is being cut and thread, I have a suppressor in jail, and I have reloading equipment coming so I can shoot TMKs (and already have components and the TMKs).

This is all @fwafwow fault and when I have to explain to my wife that she cannot buy more nail polish, even though I used all of her's I'm going to blame him, and @Formidilosus of course. 🛡️🛡️

If I get comfortable shooting past 200 yards, I'm just going to credit my own genius of course. :p

On the other side, with the cost of ammo locally (shipping is not really an option in AK), even if shooting TMKs I will break even at about 1500 shots (reloading vs buying 223) and another 1500 shots will put me ahead on buying the 223 compared to sticking with my 308 (buying 308 vs 223 ammo), not to mention I'll be more likely to actually shoot that many shots and get the skill that comes with it.
How is this my fault? I'm blaming you for my RSS and inbound S20. And all 3 of my SWFAs. And my general poor manners and grumpy disposition.
How is this my fault? I'm blaming you for my RSS and inbound S20. And all 3 of my SWFAs. And my general poor manners and grumpy disposition.
You can blame me and I'll blame you and then neither of us will have to take personal responsibility.

Nobody ever saves money. You will spend the same amount as you always have. You will just shoot more. This saving money and putting you ahead of what centerfire ammo costs...yea thats a myth :ROFLMAO:
Agree, sort of. The shooting more while spending the same amount puts me ahead on the cost for skills continuum.