.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

From my understanding, which is limited, the 22 creedmoor should do that.

But we need to be honest with our selves on the ranges we can shoot and make ethical hits. I do a lot of shooting out to 600 yards shooting PRS, a few further, and I don't have the skill to shoot an animal that far. A 12-16" steel circle, yep I can do that! A deer or elk, not a chance because I can't keep the group size to half of the vital area.

If you can do the practice and confidently make the shots, then the 22 creed is probably the one you want. Other options could be 223AI or 22arc depending on velocity you get and making sure to keep impact velocities above 1800fps.
I’m just getting into the longer range game so I am still far from being ready to try and shoot animals at 600 yards but would this maybe be a good option for something like a 6 creed for the higher BC bullets. Would the improved BC make much of a difference in hit percentages at say 6-700 yards. I’m buy no means trying to make a argument just asking
What about the 75gr AAC "Sabre Black Tip" anyone used it..?
It’s a Hornady VMAX with a black tip. It will penetrate a bit less than a TMK or ELDM. But there have been other posting in this thread that have used them on pigs. I’ve only shot it at the range.
Would you use 75 Sabre for varmints? Without worrying about over penetration?
I’ve shot a few coyotes, the sabres will definitely blow a big exit hole sometimes. AAC sells 55 and 62 grain versions also, that would probably be my pick for varmints if you’re worried about over penetration or saving hides. I have never used them for anything but it’s just a vmax.
It’s probably a typo. It looks more like a black tip AMAX than a VMAX. It actually looks like a .224 SST.
It looks identical to the vmax to me, just has a boat tail and extra weight.
That’s what it looks like to me to. Jboomhauer measured the jacket thickness on the 55 vmax and the 75 sabre, it’s only a 0.0002” difference. Aac says its a vmax, I have no reason to not believe them.
Ive followed this thread for a while, and i am curious on frontal shots with .223 tmks. Any experince?
I just spoke to Shannon in the reloading tech support group at Hornady and he says that they manufacture the bullet for AAC and that it is a unique design that is meant to do exactly what the description suggests on the website:

“Our Sabre Blade Black Tip bullets are designed, Developed With, & Manufactured By Hornady for maximum expansion and weight retention upon impact.”
Ive followed this thread for a while, and i am curious on frontal shots with .223 tmks. Any experince?
No problem at all. Adequate penetration. With frontal shots an understanding of the animals anatomy is as important as the bullet selected. A low chest shot with the bullet striking above the heart and not high enough to destroy the lungs can result in a runner.

Here: I shot this with a 77TMK front on
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