Been a minute since I've been back to this thread.
QUESTION RE: Black Bear - Given distances like under 200yd thereabouts, something like a 62gr Barnes TTSX round should probably be able to do the job sufficiently right? I feel totally certain it'd work on our SoCal Muleys. But I've also seen how damn big things like Bear upper arm bones can be in diameter. (Have one in my Garden I brought back from D13 that's something like 4" in diameter at some of the thickest points!!! I know obviously the answer there is avoid hitting those arms, duh, but got me to thinking I wonder how tough some of those ribs or scapulas might deflect the round or slow down it's energy a lot so it might not penetrate as deeply as you'd have expected perhaps?
I mean the rule is supposed to be that if it'll kill a deer it'll kill a bear right?, so a 55gr should work likely also. But at least I've seen what those 62gr can do to a BobCat's spine, so I feel more confident because of the impressive wounding from that. In my instance it took out a whole section of it's spine! Maybe... 2" diameter crater left where the vertebrae used to be at that spot. And vertebrae are typically some pretty tough bones since each one is small and blocky/chunky in structure.