22 Creedmore legal use issues!

I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
But it's made of all the things I have to take
Jesus, it never ends, it works its way inside
If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it
Looks like Mr Mayhem is calling for a truce.

Cheers all!!
I also agree in small government however freedom does not mean someone should do something that is inconsistent with right and wrong.

Moral agency is relative. Some have it and in some cases here, some don't.

I have never ever used the term unethical. Check yourself and don’t lie.

I do think it should be regulated. my prerogative to think so.

you act as if i owe you something. nope. nothing.

Ok, fine, you are right. You never used the term "unethical". You just stated that they "shouldn't do something that is inconsistent with right and wrong" and then went on to accuse some people here of not having moral agency.

What do you think that ethical means? I am honestly curious to know.

As for you owing me anything, you are right. You do owe it to yourself to be a bit more intellectually honest, however.
Typical fanboy/lemming response. You wanna take personal shots...ok

You complain about people taking personal shots, yet, you seem to be doing most of that. See below where you call people lemmings, accuse @mxgsfmdpx of shooting "zoo animals", calling people ignorant/incompetent, accuse them of having a disability, etc.

Again, it is the intellectual dishonesty that I have a problem with, not your cartridge of choice for big game.

Likewise @mxgsfmdpx - lemming

good plan - i am sure the local zoo wondered how they died

Wow - I congratulate you on your level of ignorance...never seen it that high before. Well done

Got it straight from the link i provided and actually read the article (didnt even know it was part of ai since I don't use it)

Obviously you are too biased and incompetent to actually read the whole thing otherwise you would have known that

Sucks you are unable to think on your own. Some disabilities are hard to overcome.

And with that, you and your other lemmings have taken up about as much of my time as I will allow you too. Ignorance is bliss. Have a great day full of it!!

another lemming. As soon as you cannot refute fact and provide your own, you revert to personal attacks.
It is one study. one. amongst hundreds.

Dont care to change your mind.

Using AR based liberal diatribe to support your non existent point makes your credibility worse than you think mine is.
You complain about people taking personal shots, yet, you seem to be doing most of that. See below where you call people lemmings, accuse @mxgsfmdpx of shooting "zoo animals", calling people ignorant/incompetent, accuse them of having a disability, etc.

Again, it is the intellectual dishonesty that I have a problem with, not your cartridge of choice for big game.
This has been pointed out to him multiple times but doesn’t seem to be able to grasp that we don’t care what he shoots haha.

It’s his approach and “arguments” that are so sporadic, make little sense, and are so full of google searched “studies” and copy/paste from chatGPT that we call out. Then he plays the victim and says “he’s leaving” then comes back in a couple hours.

The usual story.
Ill jump in although it looks like I am pretty late to the party - or brawl lol

The OP was confused on state laws it seems and why different states mandate different things. No clean cut reason. Dead animals know not what they were shot with.

My experience: I like to gun up for bigger game. Big body = big bullet. I have seen game shot with big calibers fold up on the spot, never seen that with smaller ones.
I am confused?

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Don't feel bad. Like the vast majority you're under the false assumption that laws have a direct correlation to morality, ethics or logic . They don't.
They're all about money and power.

You'll figure this out for yourself as you get older.
So in your mind, someone should shoot an elk or grizzly bear with a 22 rim fire because it’s their right to?
The world would be a better place if:

Less Government
More darwin.
This has been pointed out to him multiple times but doesn’t seem to be able to grasp that we don’t care what he shoots haha.

It’s his approach and “arguments” that are so sporadic, make little sense, and are so full of google searched “studies” and copy/paste from chatGPT that we call out. Then he plays the victim and says “he’s leaving” then comes back in a couple hours.

The usual story.
You can call out whatever you want, as if you are the only authority, I don't really care. I call you and your boys out and you hate it. Good. Maybe it will make you actually think and realize that having an actual discussion and maybe, just maybe, we can all learn something of value. Yeah, I should do a better job of not getting personal with it...Ill try. I ask you for the same.

My arguments are spot on. The data I provide supports them. Of course I search the internet for studies. You don't? I am unaware of a library or other way to find the data. If you know, please let me in on it. Never use Chat GPT - ever. Won't.

You wanna refute me, do it with data other than what someone here developed. So I ask you to prove me wrong - prove to me that:
  1. A 77 grain .224 bullet flying at 3000 fps will provide more ballistic advantage and better terminal performance than the same exact 195 grain .284 bullet flying at the exact same velocity.
  2. That game and fish agencies do not have a valid point for requiring certain rifle, muzzleloader, and archery criteria to help ensure the safest and most ethical killing opportunity for ALL hunters. Not just the guys that can shoot the best.

    I am all ears!
Don't feel bad. Like the vast majority you're under the false assumption that laws have a direct correlation to morality, ethics or logic . They don't.
They're all about money and power.

You'll figure this out for yourself as you get older.

The world would be a better place if:

Less Government
More darwin.
Are you of the opinion that the constitution and its laws have nothing to do with morality or ethics?

I am all in on small government and less government. All in a DOGE reducing it by 75%! Let's go!

If you do shot a G bear with a 22 - use a single shot and let me watch, from about 500 yards away. :)
Don’t overthink this. I was just tying to explain the how and why of this sort of regulation. The agencies want to manage the resource and keep the public from complaining too much. Wardens need something clear to enforce for 99% of cases. That’s it. If your goal is to violate a law in a wierd, undectable way for no other reason, I’m sure you could come up with a way to do that. But why?
But it's not clear. For any case. No one can look at any loaded cartridge and say that loaded cartridge has X energy. You cannot tell on the side of the road. With some limited exception there's no way for a game warden to have the PC needed to write that ticket save a hunter admitting it. That's why it's a dumb law.
But it's not clear. For any case. No one can look at any loaded cartridge and say that loaded cartridge has X energy. You cannot tell on the side of the road. With some limited exception there's no way for a game warden to have the PC needed to write that ticket save a hunter admitting it. That's why it's a dumb law.
I don’t disagree with any of that, but I don’t see wardens writing people tickets for handloaded ammo. They have better things to do.