Looking for a new caliber (need recommendations)

Nov 23, 2021
So I have that itch to buy a new rifle in a new caliber but can't decide what to buy. A little background, I live in Texas and hunt everything from whitetail to hogs and if I get lucky in the draw a Nilgai. I also hunt out of state for Mule deer and hoping to take a elk in the near future as well as pronghorn and really anything from sheep to goats and bear. Looking at probably another t3x lite stainless or a Ruger predator gen 2. The calibers I currently own are..

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You have everything covered already. Buy a rifles $$$$ worth of ammo for your 6ARC and shoot the crap out of it.
I actually won the rifle, im not sure if I'm sold on its killing capabilities of larger game like whitetail/muley/hogs to be honest. Haven't tried it yet either.
i dont see any pointless magnums in there
you should probably get a .300 win mag that you'll never want to shoot

i'd just take one of those 6's and upgrade a stock or glass or chop and thread and get a can or two
there's really no caliber/functionality you're missing

except the ubiquitous AR in 5.56 and another upper in .300 BLK
Looks like you have all big game in north america covered already, with overlap enough to have spares. You should definitely do something different…how about a highwall in 50-90, or something truly different?
You're missing 223 but I'm with @Marshfly - save your money and spend it on 6 ARC ammo.

I'm not following the concern for 6 ARC adequacy for big game. It's basically the same as a 243 that is impacting 100 yards further away when it comes to terminal performance.
You're missing 223 but I'm with @Marshfly - save your money and spend it on 6 ARC ammo.

I'm not following the concern for 6 ARC adequacy for big game. It's basically the same as a 243 that is impacting 100 yards further away when it comes to terminal performance.
I'm buying 6ARC ELD-Ms for the same price as 223 ELD-Ms. That's kind of why I skipped the 223 rec. But a 223 shooting white box is about as cheap practice as it gets.
So I have that itch to buy a new rifle in a new caliber but can't decide what to buy. A little background, I live in Texas and hunt everything from whitetail to hogs and if I get lucky in the draw a Nilgai. I also hunt out of state for Mule deer and hoping to take a elk in the near future as well as pronghorn and really anything from sheep to goats and bear. Looking at probably another t3x lite stainless or a Ruger predator gen 2. The calibers I currently own are..


Are the .223 and 6arc bolt guns? If those are gas guns (or just so-so) I'd add a good bolt .223 1st, good bolt 6arc 2nd.
I mean if you have to buy another rifle, a 22 creed would do the job or a 280ai. However, you have everything covered. You might pick one of your existing guns and grab a stock and a really nice scope and focus on becoming extremely proficient if you don't already have them setup how you want.
So I have that itch to buy a new rifle in a new caliber but can't decide what to buy. A little background, I live in Texas and hunt everything from whitetail to hogs and if I get lucky in the draw a Nilgai. I also hunt out of state for Mule deer and hoping to take a elk in the near future as well as pronghorn and really anything from sheep to goats and bear. Looking at probably another t3x lite stainless or a Ruger predator gen 2. The calibers I currently own are..

Like others, you already have several good calibers, and buying a new rifle and caliber is not going to kill any better than what you already have. Buy more ammo and shoot stuff.
I love my 7mm-08 as an all-around gun, but it would be somewhat redundant in your gun cabinet.