
Grinded out and tagged this old Illinois buck this past week
Pretty good start to year here.
1st pic Thanksgiving weekend on farm in TN.
2nd pic one of dads deer Thanksgiving weekend. TN.
3rd pic TN draw hunt that has 3% success we went 50% should have been 75% dad missed.
4th pic close up of one of 3% odd bucks
5th pic dad's opening weekend deer TN.

Can't wait for our Christmas hunt as there are 2 bigger than these i hope i can get my daughter on.

Here in West Virginia I found the rut to be very slow during our two week rifle season, at least locally. I hunted six days the first week seeing 14 bucks, nothing but young deer still great being out in the deer woods.

The second week I was back to work and had several work obligations so only had one afternoon to hunt with a friend.

Made it to the farm late getting caught behind a school bus cost me 30 minutes and I was a little frustrated but still hopeful for a good hunt. My friend had already taken a good buck and was just sitting in a hillside enjoying the afternoon.

I get parked by the barn and step out of the truck grabbing my pack and rifle. I look to the wood line about 400 yards away and a lone deer comes trotting my way. It gets a bit closer and I can see it’s a good buck and decide I’m going to take it.

I maneuver about 75 yards and wait for the deer to cross the bottom of the field for a clear shot. The deer continuing to trot comes into the clear at 150 yards and I touch off a shot and the deer drops.

My friend starts texting asking if I shot. I respond with “yes”. He responds with you gotta be kidding me. I say no. He then walks down to meet me and we laugh about my 3 minute hunt. Sometimes it’s just being at the right place at the right time and has nothing to do with being a good hunter.


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This is my biggest buck. Took from the first stand I ever hunted in. I didn't start hunting deer till I was 19. My buddy from college took me deer hunting and him and his dad taught me everything I know about deer hunting. This stand and farm has alot of good memories. When I first started hunting there his dad gave me a deer mount and said we don't shoot anything smaller than this. Over the years I've let several good bucks that I wasn't sure were going to make the cut but this one I didn't second guess on. After my buddy saw it he knew the deer and said he had drawn back on it during archery but couldn't make it happen. It took 13 years to make it happen as I don't get to get down and hunt with them much now. And we found out the week before this deer was shot his dad has cancer.


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Michigan Northeast lower peninsula muzzleloader season 10pt private land. No luck seeing bucks rifle opener or Thanksgiving week. Had trail came pics of a lot of bucks week before opener, even a couple fighting. Had to meet a contractor to have cabin crawl space spray foamed on Dec 11. Went up Dec 10 and decided to hunt that afternoon. He showed up about 4:45. High shoulder shot dropped him in his tracks.


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