I got my first deer with a handgun today. Made a perfect heart shot at 40 yards. Then I totally ruined it by making a bad shot on a second doe at about 45yrds. I shot, she jumped and went behind some cover. I walked up to get my deer about 20min later and she jumped up and took off. I went back home and got my rifle. We tracked her about 500 yards. She jumped up in front of my son but we were too close to houses to shoot. She ran back the direction she came from and we had no idea if the blood was old or new. It was a disaster. Man I hate wounding animals. 20241130_100141.jpg
I will play… January 2024 Sonora Mexico
Wyoming whitetails. Took the wife out for the day and we both managed to put down a buck and a doe. The best part was 4 shots and 4 deer ranging at 123, 270, 281, and 420 yards.
My wife told me I might have her hooked after that trip. Also saw a mountain lion coming out of the creek bottom right at dark.

My dad shot a giant 9 on the opening morning of WI rifle season on our land in southwest WI. It was the only deer he saw that weekend.

I passed on a couple small bucks and does opening weekend and ended up shooting a fork later in the week on some public close to my house in northeast WI.


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Shot him today around 10ish

Walked down to the South fence of our farm and spotted 2 does in our second quarter so I made my way to the cross fence as slowly as I could and glassed them again. 2 does made me wonder if a buck was near by so I dropped my pack and sat down. One kept looking into the willows so I decided to grunt a couple times and out came a buck. Alright ranged around 460-470. I picked my pack up and rested on it and the first time I went to shoot *click* oh right because I use a Kifaru gun bearer I walk with an empty chamber so I don't unavlive myself by accident with the muzzle right by my face. Okay chamber a round and he's back in the willows. Waiting and waiting grunt some more the does are making their way to the fence. Finally he comes out and he gets to the fence and I missed but he went back into the willows. Chamber another and wonder if he'll come back to cross... yup "oh there he is" I thought and I shot and watched him fall in my scope. The benefit of a light recoiling 6.5 creedmoor.

450 yard shot, sitting resting on my exo pack. I hit him in the neck, I must have pulled a little as I was aiming for his chest but he's dead. Shooting factory barnes lrx 127gr chono'd at an average of 2830fps muzzle.

123gr remain and the bullet tumbled as you can see in the photo and it expanded some but not a lot. I could John Wick this deer with a pencil.... that's the size of the hole through the neck.

I wanted to shoot something at distance and I've been practicing all summer and fall and I'm happy with the result.






Congrats on the buck. That is pretty neat looking deer country.
Thanksgiving late afternoon smoking a turkey, wife and mother-in-law in the kitchen; this guy made the mistake of jumping the fence from my neighbors into my pasture. He's been chasing a doe up and down the back fence for about 45min as we kept an eye on him. Suppressed Tikka .223 was already positioned upstairs by the patio door for just such a situation. Wife was watching out the window next me and said, "this is going to happen, isn't it?!". Yep, thwack. Yes, I was wearing my required orange when I shot. :cool:



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