2024 Bugle Report

You're gonna get snow up there on Thursday. Keep an eye on the weather, easy place to get stuck in lol.

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We are aware, thank you. We are here for three weeks, but also have a Starlink and inreach to monitor things. Another storm coming in next week too with some snow.

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Hot & hazy in NW MT. Some fresh sign. Heard 1 bugle from his bed 2x mid afternoon in response to my bugle. He was keeping cool in the mid day heat. But he wasn't ready to really play, yet.
Hunting doves on a refuge closed to elk hunting, bulls running cows and bugling everywhere!

North central NM.
Barely sniffed a bugle in Western Montana. Two years ago same time my ears were on fire from all the bugles. Snow coming tomorrow night curious how that will effect things.
Got this guy fired up this afternoon. I bugled one time and all his cows got up and started jogging over to me. This is California Rosie. I think season starts tomorrow.

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South west Idaho Hot as H3ll over 90+ everyday since Aug 30th opener. Have not heard a single bugle zero rut activity ... My son has been hunting about 100 miles north of me they have been hearing bulls but are only location sounds !! nothing with cows and none with any interest in cows
Got this guy fired up this afternoon. I bugled one time and all his cows got up and started jogging over to me. This is California Rosie. I think season starts tomorrow.

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hope you get him. beautiful!
Just left Flat Tops in Colorado. Spotted 2 cows through a spotter and chased them. Put on lots of miles but that was the only sign. After 5 years of being in the same GMU in Colorado, don’t think I am going back again. Heading to other states next year.
Central Idaho 9,500 feet. Snowing today and projected snow tomorrow. Buddy missed a shot on a running wolf. Not a bugle yet.

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East central Idaho the last 2 days. Bulls screaming most of the day. Had two diff bulls come yesterday to 80ish w no shot. Was on a total of 5 bulls yesterday. None would commit. Would answer every call tho. Wind, hail, rain and lightning did not slow them down. Smoke is bad here
Called in 3 different bulls within 30 yds over the weekend, couldn’t get shots on any. They really started picking up Monday/Tuesday. of course I had to go back to work yesterday, and for the first time in many years did a B tag so will not get another shot until October.
Called in 3 different bulls within 30 yds over the weekend, couldn’t get shots on any. They really started picking up Monday/Tuesday. of course I had to go back to work yesterday, and for the first time in many years did a B tag so will not get another shot until October.
That's awesome.....as an A tag guy.
When I got up yesterday, there was a nice 6pt bugeling so loud that I could here him through my 8 in walls. He had 12 cows with calves within 30yds of the front porch. He was desperately trying to herd his cows and they could care less. They provided 30 min of entertainment and then moved on. My experience has been that estrus is around the 21 of sept. They boys are herding but the girls are not entirely co-operating. Reminds me of high school.
Just spent 6 days in Western Wyoming with very little bugling :( Only had one bugle off which the bull escaped unscathed. The rest were all distant single bugles. Nothing really fired up.

I was surprised how warm it was even at night at 9-10k ft.

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