I didn't shoot the carbon version. The 6' bow test would have me buying an Omnia or the Alpha30. They feel identical in draw cycle at 30.25" (the highest letoff on the Hoyt felt longer than 30") and the grip was great. We eyeballed a whisker rest to align with the mini stabilizer, and I'm certain it was at or close to tuned.
I think the Alpha30 would be fun to review in comparison to the Omnia and shoot for score. Maybe the stars will align and I'll get lucky enough to talk
@robby denning into that.
Good feedback on the Alpha and Omnia. If you prefer / need a 30 ATA, you can stop reading now, but if you would consider a longer ATA bow you should shoot the RX-8/Ultra.
2 years ago, I was evaluating all new bows for a purchase and shot both the Hoyt aluminum and carbon bows with the intent of eliminating them from consideration because I had pretty much decided I was going to buy something else.
However, despite my bias against Hoyt, I ended up with an RX-7 Ultra.
I shoot my bows daily, so I don’t balk too much at the price but I wouldn‘t want to pay more than I have to in order to get the shot experience with a bow I’m looking for.
I typically don’t buy a new bow every year, but shot the Elite carbon Era when it came out because I think Elite is making some great bows and wanted to compare it to the RX-7 Ultra. I think for a first attempt at a carbon bow, the Elite ERA was impressive, but I don’t feel it’s as good as the Hoyt carbon bows.
Anyway, this year - I reviewed the specs on the RX-8, Ultra, and Alpha and was pretty sure that while the new features were definitely improvements - they wouldn’t be significant enough for me to buy a new bow.
I was wrong though. There’s a dramatic improvement in the draw cycle, backwall, and how much less feedback there is between the RX-7 Ultra and RX-8 Ultra. Besides being able to make 1/4” adjustments to the cam, I like lower letoff on my bows and the ability to set the cam at 75% is a big deal to me.
As a disclaimer, I’ll add that I could happily shoot any flagship bow from any manufacturer and within a few days of shooting it, probably be comfortable enough with it that it would feel great - but I’m a long draw archer and the Ultras feel the most comfortable for me.
Long winded, I know - but with your draw length - I would highly encourage you to shoot the Ultra.