2024 Bows?

People I trust have long said the carbon bows deflect more than the AL counterparts with similar specs from the same companies. The ones I've had or shot also seem to have more vibration and noise. I did own a Carbon Air 34 ecs for a while and it was noisy AF.

Much like carbon rifle barrels it seems like consumers don't give a shit and want to spend more on something that frequently is physically inferior to a cheaper metal alternative. Its expensive and it's carbon, it has to be good!
PSE‘s current carbon bows are much improved since your experience with the CA 34.
I have had the RX7, Carbon Air, Carbon Stealth, and 2 Mach 34's. I haven't experienced this riser flex you speak of. I was able to get them all to tune to my liking. The EZ220 shim systems on the Mach 34's were the easiest.

What’s been your preference of all of them? I’m debating between a RX7 and the Mach 34/new Mach 30.

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I just saw a leaked pic of a mach 30 on AT today and I liked the look of it a lot actually.


Yeah looks really good. Like the changes they made on it a lot.

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The bowtech should be still. It weighs as much as an aluminum bow. Mathews should have a very rigid riser also, they are always heavy.

And squishing a bow in a press isn't an accurate way to test for straightness. There was a guy who tested for it using lasers and a draw mechanism to see how the dry cycle affected rigidity or vice versa. Can't remember his channel.

It's funny to me how trends in bow design changed over the years. Bows like the HeliM were intentionally made to be a very light hunting bow. "Slim was in", and overall bow width was considerably narrower. And those bows tuned and shot well, riser flex or not.

It's easy to get caught up in all of "advancements" that are engineered to get you to buy new bows.
This ^^^

Q2 and a canoe will more than do ... : )
That's too bad... I could see it being even more quiet and good looking than the phase 4.
Compare a Hoyt Carbon bow which is simply numerous hollow carbon tubes epoxied
together by hand to a highly refined machining process on a specifically designed billet of pure aluminum and there is no comparison in the end product. I'll take the machined riser any day over an over priced and over hyped bunch of hollow tubes who's only attribute is its warmer to the touch when it's cold outside. JMHO
Hoyt’s custom shop could probably build you that very bow.

Funny how guys get hung up on how a how looks. That is about the last thing I personally care about.
All Hoyt shooters say that, as everything before the RX7 was fuggly! They used to look like a "jungle gym" tied in a knot. More pipes than a downtown SF crackhead.
What’s been your preference of all of them? I’m debating between a RX7 and the Mach 34/new Mach 30.

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Sorry for the late reply, but the Mach 34 is awesome. I think I would shoot the new 30 also. If treestand hunting the 30 might be the ticket.
All Hoyt shooters say that, as everything before the RX7 was fuggly! They used to look like a "jungle gym" tied in a knot. More pipes than a downtown SF crackhead.

I shoot and RX-1 ultra and think it looks awesome. Also has some of the best specs of any bow on the market imo

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Sorry for the late reply, but the Mach 34 is awesome. I think I would shoot the new 30 also. If treestand hunting the 30 might be the ticket.

I hunt out west but love short ATA bows for some reason. Been shooting a 30 inch Ventum for a while. Can’t wait to try that new Mach 30.

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If you are certain that's what you want, just walk into your favorite bow shop with a handful of cash tomorrow and say you want to order one. You might get lucky and snag one of their stocking order.
Said strategy has been implented... Excited for the release now that I put the money down!
All I know is that I’m going this weekend to put a deposit on whatever the new Carbon Ultra is from Hoyt. If it’s even slightly better than my 7 Ultra, I can’t wait.
I shot some new bows today. I think bowtech took a step back, elite stayed the course (need more time with it), and the aluminum Hoyt impressed me.
I shot some new bows today. I think bowtech took a step back, elite stayed the course (need more time with it), and the aluminum Hoyt impressed me.
That Alpha X did the same for me. I’ve purchased the Carbon Ultra version every year. This year I ordered the aluminum.
That Alpha X did the same for me. I’ve purchased the Carbon Ultra version every year. This year I ordered the aluminum.

It wasn't in stock?

The other thing I've noticed is that lead times are 1/4 of what they were in the past and (at least RMSgear) can send you home with any new release bow in most colors without ordering.
A friend is a Hoyt rep and he told me the aluminum riser flagship bow would impress, and it sounds like he was right.
A friend is a Hoyt rep and he told me the aluminum riser flagship bow would impress, and it sounds like he was right.

I didn't shoot the carbon version. The 6' bow test would have me buying an Omnia or the Alpha30. They feel identical in draw cycle at 30.25" (the highest letoff on the Hoyt felt longer than 30") and the grip was great. We eyeballed a whisker rest to align with the mini stabilizer, and I'm certain it was at or close to tuned.

I think the Alpha30 would be fun to review in comparison to the Omnia and shoot for score. Maybe the stars will align and I'll get lucky enough to talk @robby denning into that.
I didn't shoot the carbon version. The 6' bow test would have me buying an Omnia or the Alpha30. They feel identical in draw cycle at 30.25" (the highest letoff on the Hoyt felt longer than 30") and the grip was great. We eyeballed a whisker rest to align with the mini stabilizer, and I'm certain it was at or close to tuned.

I think the Alpha30 would be fun to review in comparison to the Omnia and shoot for score. Maybe the stars will align and I'll get lucky enough to talk @robby denning into that.
Good feedback on the Alpha and Omnia. If you prefer / need a 30 ATA, you can stop reading now, but if you would consider a longer ATA bow you should shoot the RX-8/Ultra.

2 years ago, I was evaluating all new bows for a purchase and shot both the Hoyt aluminum and carbon bows with the intent of eliminating them from consideration because I had pretty much decided I was going to buy something else.

However, despite my bias against Hoyt, I ended up with an RX-7 Ultra.

I shoot my bows daily, so I don’t balk too much at the price but I wouldn‘t want to pay more than I have to in order to get the shot experience with a bow I’m looking for.

I typically don’t buy a new bow every year, but shot the Elite carbon Era when it came out because I think Elite is making some great bows and wanted to compare it to the RX-7 Ultra. I think for a first attempt at a carbon bow, the Elite ERA was impressive, but I don’t feel it’s as good as the Hoyt carbon bows.

Anyway, this year - I reviewed the specs on the RX-8, Ultra, and Alpha and was pretty sure that while the new features were definitely improvements - they wouldn’t be significant enough for me to buy a new bow.

I was wrong though. There’s a dramatic improvement in the draw cycle, backwall, and how much less feedback there is between the RX-7 Ultra and RX-8 Ultra. Besides being able to make 1/4” adjustments to the cam, I like lower letoff on my bows and the ability to set the cam at 75% is a big deal to me.

As a disclaimer, I’ll add that I could happily shoot any flagship bow from any manufacturer and within a few days of shooting it, probably be comfortable enough with it that it would feel great - but I’m a long draw archer and the Ultras feel the most comfortable for me.

Long winded, I know - but with your draw length - I would highly encourage you to shoot the Ultra.