Mathews has chased having the most rigid risers for a long time.
Generally, carbon flexes, and flexes a lot.
Makes for difficult tuning when the centershot changes on the bow through the draw cycle. It would be possible with a shoot through riser, but that brings other problems.
For Mathews, better colors. The camo finish sucks, olive drap is worn out, Ghey Grey sucks, black is black. The target colors seem like a Model T, you can have any color you want as long as its....
I don't know what I really want to see. Pretty much performance has peaked until something new for limb materials comes along. Improvements in tuning? Well I liked yokes. I don't much care about the easy user interface for tuning, seems it might be sacrificing durability, and I have a press so I don't need it.
I'd like to see larger riser cutouts on a lot of bows. I don't want to have a broadhead in front of my riser. If I want to have a large fixed head on my arrow, I'd like it to be able to be inside the riser if I want.
All bows should have 2 Berger holes and multiple sight holes. More options for adjustment of holding weight on hunting bows, or higher holding, less letoff options.