2024/2025 Trapping thread

I started pulling traps in my harder to get to areas and non active areas.

I saw a female coyote day walking between 2 sets.

I’m going to set new traps in that area I saw coyote and will focus my night calling there.

I’m thinking my current sets are known to them or stale or the soil is trashed currently.

I think my traps are muddy and rusting and known by animals this time.

Ok, I gotta ask. And I will preface by saying I know jack shit about trapping (but am thoroughly enjoying this thread). What gives with the number of opossums you have got this year? I can count on 1 hand the number I’ve seen in my 43years, you are seemingly overrun with them. (Yes I’m not necessarily looking for them at night, or in general). Is it ‘normal’ for the average Joe to get this many in a season or is it your locale that is unique for whatever reason? Really dumb questions/comments, I know…I’m moreso questioning why you havent moved being surrounded by those god awful looking creatures 😂🤝
Ok, I gotta ask. What gives with the number of opossums you have got this year?
I got 62 last year. I imagine it's regional how common they are.

Other theories I have:
- I'm surrounded by equestrians who may be spilling feed or leaving it out
- Lots of migratory birds come here that they can eat and raid the nests of
- We are in a wet area (frogs, tadpoles, crayfish)
- We are in a tidal area (twice daily refreshing of food)
- I apply prescribed fire often, more aggressively than most

There are a few things the land already has going for it and some we have improved that all lead to increased carrying capacity.

I thermal hunted another property 2 hours away on Saturday night with much dryer conditions and saw about as many opossums as I saw armadillos and lots of each...no coons tho!
Night 60.

I caught a big male pit bull last night and transferred him to law enforcement.

No chip. Not totally feral looking but not a couch potato for sure. Junk yard dog.
Don’t be like me.

Got hit effing around with the free Bridgers.

Hurt more than I’d like it to but less than the time I dropped a log splitter on a 2 5/16” trailer ball with my thumb in the middle.

Biologically and for land management it’s probably a superior catch.
Depends on what’s done with it after handing it over to the LE. Any stray dog trapped on my property gets **** and handed over to the yotes and buzzards.
I put another line in 150 yards out from where I spotted the female coyote.

I’m officially out of commercial bait but have some beaver chunks for this last week of foot hold season here. Traps out by next Saturday!

Night 67 over here.

It's slow until its not...

I made a cubby set of sorts with a Tomahawk. It sat for a while with traditional baits and we put some leftover spaghetti (beaver sauce) in it yesterday evening.


And got this dude.
