I started pulling traps in my harder to get to areas and non active areas.
I saw a female coyote day walking between 2 sets.
I’m going to set new traps in that area I saw coyote and will focus my night calling there.
I’m thinking my current sets are known to them or stale or the soil is trashed currently.
I think my traps are muddy and rusting and known by animals this time.
Ok, I gotta ask. And I will preface by saying I know jack shit about trapping (but am thoroughly enjoying this thread). What gives with the number of opossums you have got this year? I can count on 1 hand the number I’ve seen in my 43years, you are seemingly overrun with them. (Yes I’m not necessarily looking for them at night, or in general). Is it ‘normal’ for the average Joe to get this many in a season or is it your locale that is unique for whatever reason? Really dumb questions/comments, I know…I’m moreso questioning why you havent moved being surrounded by those god awful looking creatures