2021 Rokslide Cold Bow Challenge

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Mar 28, 2016
Syracuse, NY
Figured this would be closed by the time I got back from trout fishing this past weekend, saw that it wasn’t so I re-packed the bag target over lunch. My oldest daughter got the honor of putting the first arrow in the new bag, then transitioned to her target. She had a better shot than the old guy, I’ll be hearing that for weeks...
Glad to see everyone getting started. I found the CBC last spring during the craziness.... have to say it was a great reminder of the coming season and have been looking forward to this years.

I’m shooting an Elite Synergy, 61lb, 28.5” draw, Easton Axis 340s with 125 field points.

MER for this challenge is set at 45 yards, haven’t been practicing, a few shots to ensure nothing was far off after the winter lull. Kill zone is in the yellow.

Set the bag up after dinner and a walk with the better half.

Shot #1
Dead calm, 60 degrees, I was relaxed and it showed in a clean release.
Shot #2
Quickie during my lunch break to get it in today, slight breeze out of the West perpendicular to my flight path, 55 ish degrees; rushed it a little but had a good outcome, sometimes that happens.... at the range.... need to slow down a bit and focus on the one shot.
Shot #3
A little different weather today. Slight breeze, 30 degrees, took my time but didnt connect with the kill zone...
Shot #4
Gusty breeze today (15-20), 30ish degrees, had to adjust my hold as the wind gusted, got through a good release before it came back up.
Shot #5
another lunch break shot, calm, sunny 55 degrees, took my time, concentrated and let loose to the "Frozen" soundtrack (my helper needs a her tunes on a Friday) shot 5.jpg

Went 3/5 on my defined kill zone for this year.
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Aug 4, 2019
It seems like every time this comes around, the weather is miserable here, hopefully the rest of the week is decent

I'm shooting my hunting setup but normally I shoot 4 fletch 2" vanes. I changed over to 3- 3 1/2" vanes for 3d stuff and seing if it makes a difference to me.

Bow: prime black 5 - 60lbs
Site: Hogg father single pin
Stabilizers: bee stinger 15" front- 10" back
Rest: hamskea trinity
Release: Trufire sear with no click

I hunted with this all fall and shot a muley and a whitetail doe, I liked it for the most part but am probably gonna switch to a hoggit this fall

My cold bow range is 70, nothing really challenging about the prairies aside from wind. I have a 3" orange dot stuck on it, I figure if I spread my hand over the center of the dot and part of my hand is touching the arrow, I would have a dead deer.

Day 1: 7:00pm
-2 degrees celcius
30km left to right winds



Day 2: 6:30pm
Its a way nicer day today, 10 deg c and only a slight breeze left to right 15km

Day 3: 6:00 pm
Very nice outside! 19 degrees in the sun! The downside was the wind.... 45km winds, if you're looking at the picture it would be right to left winds. I still think this would be a dead deer, but not ideal.

For reference, my palm is over the center of the dot

Day 4: 8:47pm (legal light here is a half hour after sunset which today was 5:18)
Got home from work after 17hrs... it was a long day, but got home in time to get my shot off!
Winds were left to right 47km (which was one of the sources of my long day..)
-5 degrees celcius outside
I would call this one a dead deer too, althougb i highly doubt i would ever take a shot in this situation


Day 5: 7:00 pm
Calm day, no winds, but cold as hell -10celcius, at least it wasn't as cold as when i went to work this morning, it was -18 then...
I was a little antsy today, I knew that once I took my cold shot I could fire off as many as I wanted, I still think o have a dead deer, but i think I rushed it.
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Oct 29, 2016
Bow: APA Black Mamba 35 70# 31.5" Draw
Site: Trophy Ridge React Pro 5 Pin
Stabilizers: Fuse Carbon / APA MTM
Rest: APA Twister Full Containment
Release: Spot Hogg Wise Guy
Quiver: Archer Extreme Carbon 2 pc.

Arrow: 30.5" Easton Axis Match 5mm 260 Spine / Iron Will 50gr Hit / Iron Will 25gr Collar / Bohning 3 Fletch Helical / 125gr QAD Exodus Swept Blade. Weighing in at 585gr @ 285fps.


Cold Bow Challenge 40 yards. I haven't shot my bow in weeks really so this will be a good test for the upcoming evening black bear hunts. Took my first animal with a bow last year at 35.5yrd.

My Shooting lane, over the fence in the bush to try and make it as realistic as possible with stuff in the shooting lane. Goal is to hit the kill zone on my Mini Reinhart Elk.


Day 1: Monday April 19th 2021, Beautiful sunny day 18 deg C, Post 60lb 4.5km walk training for stone sheep. Felt solid took my time to relax the pin and level the bubble. Happy.


Day 2: Directly off of work into the back yard. Sun in my face. Rushed the shot a little bit. Liver/guts. Whoops.


Day 3: Mid morning sun at my back. Slowed down focused on leveling the bubble and resting the pin. Happy enough with that.


Day 4: Same time of day (Pre-lunch). Not thrilled with it.

Day 5: Missed the true day 5 working a graveyard shift and running around with other chores when I woke up. Instead did the 5th day on technically the 6th day. Woke up and went outside first thing. I have some work to do. That is what this challenge exposes, our weaknesses.

Thanks again to Rokslide for the challenge and thank you to the companies for the prize donations!
Best of luck to everyone.

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Aug 22, 2015
I’m late to the party this year, but here I am!!

MER is 50 yards. Calling my vital zone the 8”x8.5” front square.

I haven’t picked up my bow since November so my first arrow will indeed be an extremely COLD bow challenge. We’ll blame my 6 month old for my lack of discipline.


Hoyt RX-3 pulling 73.4 lbs. 28” Draw.
Black Gold 5 pin slider.
Tight spot quiver.
SS one carbon stabilizer.
Arrows are black eagle rampage 300s shooting ironwill collars and 125gr Swhacker mechanicals. 3 vanes right helical w/ wraps.
Spot Hogg Wiseguy Index release.

**I’ll be shooting the actual mechanical and not the practice head.**



Day 1: 50 Degrees Wind in my face at 15 mph.
Shot: Hell. It’s been 5 months since I’ve picked up a bow. All I know is I punched the trigger a bit but had a solid follow through. When I saw the arrow hit the target I was happy to see I’ve still got it!

Day 2: 47 Degrees, dead calm.
Shot: Felt great. I waited until legit twilight to see how my eyes would do...not a fan. My pins were so bright it made it hard to focus on the target! Impressed with their low light illumination though. Those suckers really shine. I’m perfectly imperfect. Keeping a group hanging just right of center at the same elevation... I won’t make any microadjustments L/R until after the challenge. Having a tight group within the vital zone is far more important to me than hitting bullseyes for the challenge. Being able to prove repeatability at my MER is more valuable to my confidence and inner voice. And since he runs the show, i might as well build up my inner voice. He does such a good job of tearing me down as it is.

Day 3: 49, light tail wind.
Shot: Felt better than yesterday. Follow through was much better. I think I’d been not committing to my follow through on the first two shots...because this third shot felt WAY better. My group now sucks and we can confirm, I’m just not that good. I’d have my third dead bear, goat, sheep, bou, moose though so that’s cool.

Day 4: 52, 5-10mph headwind.
Shot: again, everything felt pretty damn good...pin float wasn’t nearly as big a circle this time. That was nice. Shot scared me. We’re still a fat C hair right. Feeling like there is ALOT of room for improvement but also feeling confident.

Day 5: 43, wind 30-40mph gusts.
Shot: I’ll blame this one on Kyle. Had some inappropriate stuff going on from my phone on speaker phone while I tried to float my pin over the target in gusty conditions...if it was an animal, I’d definitely have let down. Buuuut since it’s a challenge I wanted to see if I could float one in there......nope. No sir. Hindsight, I should have let down and taken off my quiver, but momma ain’t raise no b!tch! This stupid CBC cost me a broad head! That’s why you buy a dozen. No ragerts.


Happy to have participated again, thanks to Robby and Rokslide for putting it on again!!

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Apr 19, 2021
Husband has done the Cold Bow Challenge this year and last so I figured I would join him. I don’t shoot a lot so I figured I would use a 30 yard MER.

Shooting a Bowtech Carbon that was bought as a package with a stabilizer, rest, and 4 pin sight.
-Scott Archery Fox release
-Carbon Express Hot Pursuit arrows
-Montec g5 broad heads

Day 1:
Shot this one at night with no wind. Little low and right.


Day 2:
Weather was fine.


Day 3:
calm weather. Shaky shot and ended up

Day 4:


pulled right.

Day 5:

Pulled slight right again.
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Mar 21, 2018
Trying to slip in under the 200 mark,

MER is 55 yds, shooting a bowtech assassin with gold tip pro hunter arrows:
Bow: Assassin 70 lbs, 29" draw length
Sight: Spott Hogg Hogg-it 5 pin
Rest: QAD Ultra Rest
Stab: Trophy Ridge Static XS Side Stab
Peep: specialty archery 1/8" ampeture
Release: Fletcher Fletch Hunter w nylon strap
Arrows: Gold tip 400 Pro Hunter
Fletch: 3 fletch Bohning 2" blazer vain (straight fletch)
Broadhead: 100gr Slick Trick Mags

DAY 1: Shot this morning with a slight right to left wind 45* sunny
Day 2: Shot after a couple days rest to turkey hunt, worked out in my favor so back to the bow
52* and wind from over my left shoulder. Not sure if the wind played in on the arrow or my arm but pushed me right a tad bit
Day 3: Over cast and just about to rain, 49* with no noticeable wind. Shot felt good and just on the edge of the 10 ring.
Day 4: Got in late so i had to squeeze out a shot at last light. I guess it was a good realistic situation. No wind, dust, sight light, tucked it into the shoulder and let her fly, barely missed the 11
Day 5: Yesterday gave me another idea, try my MER at the very last light i could think of shooting to make hunting as realistic as possible, not too shabby, a bit more forward than i like but a dead animal is a dead animal. Calm, clear sky but sun is well gone, sight light on and sitting in dang near pitch black, i guess the white target helped a ton in this case:
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Apr 13, 2020
Day 1. 50 yard MER this year. Sunny with no wind. Shooting a 80lb hoyt carbon defiant with 5mm easton arrows. About in inch or so outside the 3" circle. Not the best but not terrible.

Day 2. Couldn't make it the normal shooting range so shooting from the street down the side of the house it is. 50 yards no wind and felt better than the first day

Day 3. Another day of shooting at the house 50 yards no wind and sunny.

Day 4. 50 yards with the wind gusting pretty hard from left to right 20210425_160131.jpgday 5: shooting in the backyard again 50 yards. No wind and hot 20210503_180209.jpg


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May 17, 2018
Complete 4/28/21
My MER for this challenge is 50 yards.
Bow: Elite Tempo. 28.5" draw.
Arrows: Easton Axis. 4 fletch AAE Max Hunter vanes at a right offset. 125 grain field points and 25 grains of Iron Will components (insert + collar). Total weight is roughly 520 grains. Just got these arrows so we will see how they work out with my bow.
I've shot enough to make sure they shoot and adjust my sight to where it needs to be. Haven't been able to tinker and get them to fly perfectly yet.
Using the same Trufire trigger release I've had for probably almost 8 years now.
Sight is an Apex Gear 4 pin that I've been using for the past 10 years. (May upgrade soon)
Vitals for the challenge is the vital area on my target (green outline).

Picture of my shot.

Day 1: Sunny and 75. wind about 10 mph mostly hitting me in the back. Had a slight gust from right to left right, moving my bow hand, as I was about to let my arrow fly. Somewhat contributed to my hit left of where I was aiming. Also hit high, probably just an error on my part. Aiming point was the obvious hole in the vitals. I still hit in the green but not ideal by any means. Day 1.jpg

Day 2 was another sunny day. Temp in the mid 60s. A bit more wind than yesterday but this time it was in my face. Shot was a better, vertically, but I'm still erroring to the left of my aiming point.
Day 2.jpg

Day 3. Had to move my target a little bit so I wasn't shooting over someone else's truck. Still able to get the 50 yards I needed. Shot felt good. Still hitting to the left, but my impact point is improving vertically. very light winds blowing toward me when I took my shot.
Day 3.jpg

Day 4: Another beautiful day. No clouds and no wind today. It's been a few days since my 3rd shot due to not being home. I felt like I punched this one and pushed it high. Very similar impact point as shot 1. Consistently hitting left so I may need to make an adjustment to my equipment after the CBC.
Day 4.jpeg

Day 5: Partly cloudy with about 10-15 mph wind in my face. Shot felt very good. Last shot was my best shot! Maybe I just need more time behind the bow.
Day 5.jpg
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Jun 19, 2020
Haven’t shot my bow much all winter so this could be interesting. I’ve always considered my MER to be 60 yards. So that’s where I’m shooting. We’ll see how it goes!

Bowtech Realm 70#
MBG ascent verdict
QAD ultra rest
Spider archery stabilzer
Octane quiver

Easton Axis 260/50 gr brass insert
AAE Max stealth vanes 4 fletch
Nocturnal nocks
Evolution outdoors 125 gr hyde broadheads

Day 1 shooting broadhead, not great...haven’t shot my bow at distance since I shot my elk in Sept. Hopefully it’s just me and not the bow. This challenge might not go as well as I thought 😬 was going for inside the 9 dot square.

Day 2...much better than yesterday...was a bit windy and didn’t adjust for it so happy with that shot :) Circle represents elk kill zone (14in is what I made it)

Day 3- pretty good wind in my face
Day 4- felt much better today99D33D6A-5307-48CD-8F23-8FA2110B17AA.jpeg
Day 5- pretty good crosswind this morning. Didn’t adjust for itE0AF5237-96D3-4BD1-92FC-48DA61C35B90.jpeg
Thanks for the challenge! Definitely need to shoot more consistent before I do something like this again :)
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Jul 13, 2019
I blame Robby for motivating me. First time taking the bow to range this year.

PSE Drive XL set at 70 lb. 30" DL
Easton Axis 300 with Iron Will Insert 50 gr.and collar 25 gr cut at 28.5"
QAD Exodus solid broadhead 100 grain
Black Gold MTN lite sight
Too Smooth Release
Vapor Trail Limb Driven Rest
10" BeeStinger Microhex Stabilizer

MER: 60 yards

Day 1 arrow: Wide Left and high. Hit the edge of the block and went tumbling. Wouldn't typically be shooting with an untested bow, but will adjust the sight for tomorrow. I did find the arrow. Cold ~35° with a mild wind, 5-10 mph, and some rain/snow mix throughout the day but not during my shot

Day 2: Made a windage adjustment. Slightly warmer and wind didn't appear to be significant. Still slightly left (I'm assuming not enough windage adjustment and am planning on adding more tomorrow). Cool temperatures ~45° with a light cross wind

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Day 3:. The windage change seemed to bring me closer to my goal. Sun was finally out ~57° and was able to shoot without a jacket. Wind was light going right to left <5 mph and I didn't make a correction for it. Was a little unsteady when I initially drew the bow. I did let down to recompose myself. Upon release, everything felt good. I plan another sight adjustment for tomorrow which should bring me into the zone. Really love shooting this bow. It's light and feels dead in the hand. Still getting the feel for the sight and I have some peep twist that I need to fix, but am waiting for a few more shots before doing that (still using stock strings). Added tape (after the shot, instead of hand drawing in my good zone which I set at ~8" diameter) the arrow is about 5" from the center. Which might be fine for elk, but unacceptable for my expectations.

Day 4: High and Left. Really close to in, but I'm saying that it is an out. Slightly overcast in the low 50's and nearly no wind.

Day 5: Didn't get a chance over the weekend so was able to complete today. Sunny and warm (74°), but windy left to right 10-15 mph with higher gusts and a bit of a tunnel affect where I am shooting that kicks in around the 40 yard mark to the target. I probably should have walked to the target and gotten a better feel for the wind since it felt like 5 mph where I was standing. Pulled it really bad as well when the shot broke. All the pressure might have gotten to me. High and right, a first for the challenge.

Follow-up thoughts:

I had to shoot again after that last shot to prove I could do it. That shot was what I expect to shoot like typically. I also sighted in the bow while doing this which is not ethical or something I would typically do. My sight currently has 2 known yardages (20 & 60) and I am still iffy on the bottom one although it is pretty close. Some additional pictures of my setup and proof that I can hit where I am aiming at 60 yards. Also my broadhead target is starting to wear, probably need to switch to something different this year.

I definitely plan to try this challenge again once I get some additional arrows through the bow, before season.

My range setup


Proof that I can still shoot!

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Feb 24, 2012
Got a new bow this year. Hoyt Ventum 33. Got it setup and slowly tuning. Fun to share pics and info. I shoot year round. Try to shot every day. I like to shoot at all yardages and enjoy the challenge of practicing long distance. For the challenge I’ll shoot fixed blade broadheads and Ill do a MER of 60. 60 is my max in animals. Trying to hit center of the target. Realistically hitting within the green is a kill shot on big game. But striving for in the middle.

Hoyt Ventum 33 at 75 lbs 27.5 inch draw.
Hamskea Trinity Rest
Hamskea Raptor Peep
26 inch Easton arrow.
Iron Will 100 grain vented broadhead
4 Fletch of Flex Fletch SK200 vanes

Shot #1. Had to work today at station. Brought rinehart target and put up behind station. Ended up at 61.3 yards. Fairly flat and level. Had a snow last night. Today sunny and bright out. Tempos 33 degrees. Slight breeze from right to left. Shot ended up being about 2 inches left touch low. ( aiming at white dot.)

Shot #2. Back home today target setup in my hard 60 yards. 27 degrees. Light snow. Slight breeze aiming for middle of the target. Arrow ended up hitting 1.5 inch high from middle

Shot #3. 28 degrees this morning. Relatively calm. Shot ended up being about 1.5” to the right. Right on the edge of middle black dot.

Shot #4. 39 degrees and wind 5-10 mph . Shooting from same spot in yard. Shot ended up being about 3 inches to the left. Still within the green circle. But not happy with that shot

Shot #5. 52 degrees and finally sunny. Winds fairly calm. Arrow hit perfect in the black dot! That’s the shot I’ve been wanting for last 4 times lol


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Classified Approved
Aug 1, 2020
Gonna try pushing my MER to 60 yards.
Shooting a Mathews helim 28” draw 65#
Spot Hogg fast Eddie xl double pin
Hamskea hybrid hunter pro rest
60x strings
Aae hot rods
Nock 2 it
Easton axis 300 spine. 50g brass 25g collar 100g FP

day 1 : shot 60 yards slight down hill about 6 mph winds. Ended up shooting about 3 or 4 inches high. Aiming at center of blue tape intersection. Inside an 8 inch circle.
Day 2; shot 60 yards. With a slight obstruction in view. Used a sevr 2.0. Shot at first light. Before work. Light snow. Light cross wind. Shot felt good.4E2025E7-13DB-4293-808A-B57BC32AA6AE.jpeg0EF375D9-6C78-4CB1-AD3B-A35511EEE383.jpeg

day 3: heavier wind gust. I think up to 15 mph blowing in my face. Shot felt good again. In the vitals. CEEDEC5B-3190-4258-BCFB-E4172E3DEB63.jpeg
day 4. Shooting before work so pretty tight. Shot felt good. Calm cool morning. Thinking my sight tape may be a little off. Seem to be hitting consistently low. D91ABBFD-FD23-46F5-BA34-FE00F09D138A.jpeg
Day 5: finished strong. Little windy. Sunny day. Shot in the afternoon. I feel got more confident as the days went on. I may keep this going. Keep practicing tighten up a little bit. BBD349CC-C542-432A-B1BF-5AAAF8B0C51E.jpeg
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Grand Passage

Sep 27, 2018
I am going to be shooting my ILF style recurve that is #52 at my draw length. I do instinctive shooting without sights.

- 17” Riser w/ Uukha limbs.
- 530 grain total arrow weight
- 125 grain Magnus Stinger Broadhead

Shooting at a 7” diameter circle within a paper plate from 27 yards.

My preferred hunting shot distance is 12-15 yards.


Day 1 - Really surprised myself. Was definitely focusing much harder than normal given the broadhead.



Day 2 - Don’t feel like I anchored well, nor was my release smooth.


Day 3 - Feeling more comfortable at this range already. I believe that taking my time with my one shot each day is helping me focus and making my shot count.


Day 4 - Well I want to blame my miss on being sore from a new workout program I started or the gusty 15+ mph crosswind, but nope, I just failed to execute.

I feel as though I’ve gotten rusty, having only shot 4 arrows over the last 7 days. I normally shoot 20-30 each night. This has been a great exercise for making each and every shot count.


Day 5 - Shooting into a stiff wind. I’ll let y’all decide if the shot counts or not. The broadhead cut the line, but not the arrow.

I’ve learned that I hit left at long distance. Need to check tune and do more practicing from this range.



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Jan 13, 2019
MER 45 yds, approximately 6 inch diamond as my target size (primarily hunting blacktails)

PSE Evoke 31 70lb draw weight
Trophy take limb driven rest
Arrow weight 475 gr
trophy ridge react H5
tight spot 3 arrow quiver

Day 1 Weather: overcast, 58 deg, cross breeze (left to right) 5-8 mph
Day 2 Weather: sunny, 64 deg, shot when wind had died down. 2 inches higher than I'd like to see, probably plenty effective, but still not where it should be.
Day 3 Lot of glare shot much earlier in the day. 48 Deg no wind. This is showing I need to practice more on distances that are in between pin values as Im an inch or two high again.
Day 4 64 degrees, 12-14mph wind right to left
Day 5 63 degrees, basically no wind. Shot felt good. I think Im going to continue this one shot format for a while.


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Apr 19, 2021
Haven’t shot since December, and got a new bow in February but isn’t setup and ready to go yet. So using my old bow for now.

Elite Judge
65lbs - 29” draw
X3 hunter 400 spine arrow
100grain NAP Killzone mechanical broadhead
MER 30 yards
Whitetail hunter, killzone is staying within the four bullseyes. Aiming for center

Shot 1 - 4/20/21
Chilly April day for MO, 38F and misting. Pulled hard left on shot. 8mph left to right breeze.


Shot 2 - 4/25/21
Beautiful sunny day, 68F, 7mph breeze from my back right. Much better than my first shot.


Shot 3 - 4/26/21
Another nice day 78F, 15 mph tail wind. Not a great release ended in high shot


Shot 4 - 4/27/21
84F, 13 mph tail wind. Much better release and result, just a touch high.


Shot 5 - 5/14/21
72F, 7mph tail wind. Finally finished up after almost forgetting about the 5th shot. Pretty decent shot for a 3 week break in between shots.


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Dec 14, 2019
First year doing this and not quite sure what to expect from myself. MER is 70 yards and I'll be hunting elk. Target is an 8" paper plate.


Bow: Bowtech Realm SR6 at 72 lbs with GAS strings. 28.5" draw on Performance. Got a few extra arrows in the quiver for a more realistic weight.

Sight: CBE Engage Hybrid 3 pin


Arrow: Victory Vforce Elite 350 spine w/ 100 gr QAD Exodus head, 7 inch wrap, and left helical blazers. TAW of 406 gr. Moving at 302 fps. Not my ideal setup right now, but its all I have until the Rampages come in.

Day 1:


60 degrees and sunny. No wind at the time of shot, and it felt really good. Hit dead center left and right, but about 19" low. Recently changed up my sight tape to fiddle with shooting at 29" but forgot to switch it out when I went back down to 28.5". Makes about a 9 fps difference with the sr6 so I'll chalk it up to that for now.

Day 2:


64 degrees, humid, and no wind. Shot felt a little low and thats where it ended up. Still a good kill shot.

Day 3:


About 50 degrees and cloudy. Felt a little right and thats where I hit. Still low though so I might have to adjust my tape again. Definitely eye-opening considering I thought I was pretty set up, but I'm 1 for 3 right now.

Day 4:

60ish degrees, sunny with no wind. No photographic evidence for today as I missed way right and sent my arrow into the berm. Felt as soon as I released it that I had torqued it big time. 1 for 4 is no bueno.

Day 5:


73 degrees, sunny with about 10 mph wind from behind me. Felt good on the shot. Glad I ended on a good note but I'm gonna have to work on this. 2 for 5 ain't gonna cut it. Big thank you to rokslide and all the sponsors for making this happen!
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Aug 18, 2020
70 yard MER. Shooting a 70lbs Mathews V3 31. 28” draw. Easton injection 330 100gr field point. Spot Hogg fast Eddie 2 pin sight. 10” flatline stabilizer out of the front and a 6” out of the back. QAD Mathews integrated rest. Tru fire hardcore release. Mathews Q lite quiver.

Day 1: 41 degrees, winds 15mph wind coming from my back to target. 8” circle.

Day 2: 53 degrees, winds 8mph winds coming from right to left. Aiming for the 8” circle again pulled it a touch high.

Day 3: 58 degrees, winds 10mph right to left. Shot was good, aiming for the center dot inside the 8” circle.

Day 4: 71 degrees, winds 12 mph right to left again. Shot is a tad high. Aiming for the 8” circle.

Day 5: 55 degrees, winds left to right 10 mph. Pulled the shot right 🤦🏼‍♂️


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Apr 20, 2021
40 yard MER on my knees. Shooting a 55lbs Mission MXR with a 28 1/2” draw shooting the Easton injexion 400 100 grain g5 montec m3. Black gold ascent mountain 3 pin sight with a bee stinger microhex stabilizer, QAD HDX rest. Tru fire hardcore release with a G5 quiver.
Day 1: 41 degrees with 15 mph wind coming from my back to target 4” center circle.
Day 2: shooting 40 yards on my knees, 50 degrees with 8 mph wind coming left to right aiming for the middle 4” circle
Day 3: shooting 40 yards on my knees 58 degrees wind 10mph right to left shooting at 4” target still.
Day 4: shooting 40 yards on my knees 71 degrees wind 12 mph right to left, still shooting and the 4 inch circle
Day 5: shooting 40 yards on my knees, 69 degrees wind 15 mph right to left, shooting the 4 inch circle.


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Apr 1, 2019
Second year archer, first year participating in the Cold Bow Challenge. Shooting a 70# Hoyt Carbon Element. 100 grain Hellrazor broad head on a 400 Gold tip pro hunter arrow. MER 45 yards. Shooting for a 10 inch kill zone.

Day 1:
15 mph right to left wind. Pulled high and had mild wind drift. Barely caught the edge of my desired target.

Day 2: 10mph right to left wind. Again pulled high and left. Almost the exact same spot as day 1.

Day 3: 5 mph in my face. $$$$ Dead center $$$$. Arrow punched deep into target, can barely see the nock in the pic.

Day 4: 5 mph right to left. Hit 1.5-2” left of center. Going to toss it up to wind drift.

Day 5: Slight wind right to left. Thought I would get fancy for my last day and hold for the little bit of wind to hit dead center. And then I punched to trigger. Pulled high right but still hit within my kill zone.



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Dec 31, 2019
69 yard CBC
Shooting an rx1 ultra 80lbs 31 draw
Spot Hogg fast eddie 2 pin
Tight spot quiver
Beestinger mirco hex counterveil
Elevate rest
Raptor peep and bowmar nose button
Easton axis 550 grain arrow with 4 fletch aae max stealth regular aluminum insert with a Ironwill 25gr outsert and 125 solid head
Shooting with a nock2it
Been slacking haven’t shot bow since November might get interesting shooting a 8” circle

Day two 17 mph wind left right tough conditions
Day three super windy again right to left wind today and another really tough shot
Fourth shot finally waited for ideal conditions shot felt great
Day 5 Waited for perfect conditions after shooting in the wind a couple days and it paid off


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