2020 Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

I see the MATRIX is treating you well....


This is this morning‘s. So this is day four at 55 yards I’ve hit the vitals (going with 8” circle for mule deer per @Phil Mendoza book)

I’m going to make my MER decision tomorrow. If I miss, I’m going to 50, if I hit it, I’m gonna go with 55.

I definitely know that 55 is pushing me. Even though I’ve hit it, there hasn’t been the stress like going live will.

Plus I shot practice arrows in the afternoon, so I’m not really shooting “cold“.

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Just got done putting new strings on, and building all new arrows. Preliminary paper tuning has been done with FPs, but I haven't tested BH yet. I hope to be in this challenge shooting broadheads, ideally with 60yd MER. Need this wind to settle down so I can get BH tuned ASAP!
Bumped my rest to the right a half notch which reduced the broadhead deviation from field points but I guess I need to go a bit further tomorrow and then adjust the sight. BH at left (first of this group but not cold, from 50)
I've always been an "instinctive" shooter, but I'm quickly realizing that if I want to be more consistent at longer range, I need an aiming system. Really going to work on a gap system so I can build some consistency to at least 40, with 50 being the ultimate goal. Not ready for that this season though.
From my experience, which isn’t a ton I admit, I think this is a good idea. I’ve shot a lot lately with people that have been shooting trad longer than I’ve been alive. Even the instinctive shooters have said they figured out their gap in the past and that helped their subconscious aim a little better at longer ranges. If that makes sense. I would say I’m split vision most hunting ranges (aware of tip but focused on the spot and ultimately back tension and pull through with a consistent “second anchor”). However I shoot better under 20 just full instinctive for whatever reason lol. I’ve practiced a lot of shooting at 50, knowing my gap at that spot, to really focus on this clean release. Sure is fun when you figure out what works for you and you get consistent! Good luck!
As a trad guy, I’m always shooting, even while hunting. This was 40 yards last Saturday. So I’d argue the cold shot with no practice isn’t realistic for me, but rules are rules!FB9FF221-4FBA-47A2-B017-E1527EA36A13.jpeg
I wouldn’t shoot 40 on a deer though. My MER will be 20 for this challenge.
Last practice today. First cold bow shot with a broadhead. Target roughly 3”wide. Compound shot great at 50 also (under7” group). I was surprised though, the wind affected me shooting my compound way more than my recurve. Even at the same distances. Probably just subjective. 28mph wind with gusts lol. Gotta love S.D. 0266D179-587D-405D-A4A8-7D3BA0579E04.jpeg
As a trad guy, I’m always shooting, even while hunting. This was 40 yards last Saturday. So I’d argue the cold shot with no practice isn’t realistic for me, but rules are rules!View attachment 168857
I wouldn’t shoot 40 on a deer though. My MER will be 20 for this challenge.
I’ve started stumping a lot lore lately, such a great way to improve your shot when hunting. Can’t wait for small game season to open back up too.
I’m guna do 60,,,, ^ missed the buck in my avatar in Velvet at 59 and 72 (back to back) but it was an extremely steep shot with a nasty crosswind that was probably shooting more like 90 yards as far as margin of error. Killed him at 46 in October..

limiting urself in the field to a MER is Easier said than done...