2020 Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

I’m thinking 30 with my trad set up...first year hunting with it. I can shoot really good groups at that with field points even before warm up, however I don’t think i will take that far of a shot on an animal. I want to put the pressure on with Broadheads though, and shoot outside in the wind too..Always windy in S.D. so it will be when a buck walks out too. I will go with 50 with my compound with Broadheads. Never taken a shot that far on an animal, but if I can group decent at 80 with field points I wanna push myself a little more with Broadheads.
Also forgot to ask is there a pass on the rules if we shoot our bow at an animal. Its full spring here in Texas and coyote and turkey season is in full rip. Trying to take a rio turkey with my bow this year. No practice before hunting other then the one cold bow shot.

No passes. Too dang hard for the mods to keep track of all of that.

If you end up going hunting in the middle of your five arrow string, just start over when you get back.

And I would never want anyone to think that this challenge trumps hunting, it doesn’t!

So if you get a chance to go hunting, do it.

Just don’t be upset that you’re disqualified yourself and have to start over.

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Just updated the prize thread for today's sponsor donation:
Maven C.3 Binocular in 10x50 or 12x50, valued at $400!!!

Maven C3 horiz.jpg
Robby. Sort of a question here. Living here in eastern Montana and hunting everything from Antelope on the prairie to Elk in the Breaks or mountains, I feel differently on what my MER would be per species....and maybe this has been asked. I really want to avoid the “ethics” game or that topic in particular, so if we feel our MER for Antelope and Mule deer out on the prairie would be say 90 yards due to several variables (location, terrain, track-ability, visibility once hit, etc) and elk being say 70 yards due to their size and toughness, tracking once hit, type of country your in and so on, do we still go with our 90 or 70?

Robby. Sort of a question here. Living here in eastern Montana and hunting everything from Antelope on the prairie to Elk in the Breaks or mountains, I feel differently on what my MER would be per species....and maybe this has been asked. I really want to avoid the “ethics” game or that topic in particular, so if we feel our MER for Antelope and Mule deer out on the prairie would be say 90 yards due to several variables (location, terrain, track-ability, visibility once hit, etc) and elk being say 70 yards due to their size and toughness, tracking once hit, type of country your in and so on, do we still go with our 90 or 70?

Don’t overthink it. This is designed to help YOU as an archer, that’s why you get to call your MER. So whichever one you want, but once you pick it, stick with it.
For me, I’m a mule deer hunter so I’m going with an 8” vital.

50 yards is about as far I care to shoot at an animal, so I'll go 50 with my compound. I plan to take the recurve out for elk this year too but I'm just getting back into shooting trad, so 25 is my limit there. I've always been an "instinctive" shooter, but I'm quickly realizing that if I want to be more consistent at longer range, I need an aiming system. Really going to work on a gap system so I can build some consistency to at least 40, with 50 being the ultimate goal. Not ready for that this season though.
Robby. Sort of a question here. Living here in eastern Montana and hunting everything from Antelope on the prairie to Elk in the Breaks or mountains, I feel differently on what my MER would be per species....and maybe this has been asked. I really want to avoid the “ethics” game or that topic in particular, so if we feel our MER for Antelope and Mule deer out on the prairie would be say 90 yards due to several variables (location, terrain, track-ability, visibility once hit, etc) and elk being say 70 yards due to their size and toughness, tracking once hit, type of country your in and so on, do we still go with our 90 or 70?

The MER is for you. Your going to want to shoot what you would under hunting conditions to help visualize what actually happens when you release that arrow. If you would shoot a deer at 90 your MER should be 90 for the contest.

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Robby. Sort of a question here. Living here in eastern Montana and hunting everything from Antelope on the prairie to Elk in the Breaks or mountains, I feel differently on what my MER would be per species....and maybe this has been asked. I really want to avoid the “ethics” game or that topic in particular, so if we feel our MER for Antelope and Mule deer out on the prairie would be say 90 yards due to several variables (location, terrain, track-ability, visibility once hit, etc) and elk being say 70 yards due to their size and toughness, tracking once hit, type of country your in and so on, do we still go with our 90 or 70?


Just my thoughts here, but if I were you... I’d choose the farthest yardage you would shoot an any animal. IMO that would be your MER. Plus it would challenge you the most.

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update on me, I've hit 55 yards with first arrow last 3 out of 4 mornings BUT I'm practicing after that for 12-30 arrows, so I'm not totally sure I'll go with 55 yards or drop it to 50.

What are some of you guys thinking at this point on your MER for the challenge?
Have been shooting gophers all spring from 15-45 yards. Feeling good, but a lot more mental when you know you only get ONE arrow. Most likely will be 60, elk is my jam. Will be using a pie plate for vitals.

This is this morning‘s. So this is day four at 55 yards I’ve hit the vitals (going with 8” circle for mule deer per @Phil Mendoza book)

I’m going to make my MER decision tomorrow. If I miss, I’m going to 50, if I hit it, I’m gonna go with 55.

I definitely know that 55 is pushing me. Even though I’ve hit it, there hasn’t been the stress like going live will.

Plus I shot practice arrows in the afternoon, so I’m not really shooting “cold“.

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Hopefully I can make it in this year, planning on shooting at 50 or maybe 55. Feel pretty confident at 50 but it starts to drop off after that. Been practicing out to 80 recently but not quite where I want to be.
I'm going with 60 even though that is a real stretch for me this early in the year...haven't practiced much at all this winter but I'm going with it!
I haven't been shooting much since my shoulder surgery so im contemplating 40-50 yards. It is pretty windy but im going to try and shoot both today and see! I have to clear a shooting lane through the garage though :)