Colorado hunting partner?


May 5, 2023
Southeast TX
Evening everyone first post on here after looking around a while found some good info on here. Well here goes, I have hunted most of my life, but only one in my family that does. I am 62 now. I live in Southeast Tx and hunt National Forest and some private leases for deer and hogs. Like most hunters I have dreamed of going out west/ Colorado mainly to hunt Elk and Mule Deer. Just to hunt and live the experience. The issue is I have no one to go with to help manage the logistics and work involved in the hunt and can’t go it alone especially for Elk, and wife wouldn’t allow it anyway. I have looked at DIY drop camps but they all want at least 2-4 hunters, no solo. Private land ranches are too expensive, and I would never even consider a high fence hunt, only fair chase. I have felt this want pressing on me lately and for the first time I have opened an account with Colorado division of Wildlife and purchased preference points this year for Elk and Deer. Felt good at least it is a start. I plan to buy points again next year and try and draw a 2 point unit in 2026 and maybe like a lot of you have suggested try and do a OTC Elk in 2025. Anyway I am looking for anyone any age that I could maybe meet and team up with as hunting partners and hopefully friends. I am 62 but can still work hard and pull my share of the load. I have a truck a 18’ camper and UTV to provide. Also would love to reciprocate and take a partner on a Pineywoods Whitetail hunt and/ or big hogs. I have a grandson who is 12 I am mentoring but by the time he is 20 , to maybe take trips with me I will be 70 and maybe that is too old to be in the Mountains, I don’t know. Hope this is not an inappropriate post. Been dreaming about Elk hunting since I received a North American Big Game hunting book when I was 15 . I hope to at least once sit on a mountain side with a rifle in my lap on a cold morning and glass for Elk/ Mule Deer . Thank you in advance for reading this, and good hunting! To you and yours. TC
lol I see you are from Grand Junction I was an inspector on a pipeline project in Fruita in 2013. Went to Grand Mesa. Was only 52 then wished I had known more back then about opportunities, oh well
I made it to early retirement as an electrician in our gas field. It was like a gold rush out here and the money was fat. Good luck finding an elk date. Just get an Inreach and come solo. I do it and I’m older than you.
Yes, and a two way satelite texting device that Bluetooths to your phone. Off grid comms cheaper than a sat phone. Keeps my wife happy.
Wow interesting I will look into this with my wife. If nothing else I could at least try an OTC unit in 2025. When I was working in Fruita I saw mule deer elk black bear and a cougar in a box canyon just northwest of town I remember having to drive 17-18 miles into the canyon. I wonder what unit that is.
Wow interesting I will look into this with my wife. If nothing else I could at least try an OTC unit in 2025. When I was working in Fruita I saw mule deer elk black bear and a cougar in a box canyon just northwest of town I remember having to drive 17-18 miles into the canyon. I wonder what unit that is.
I wouldn’t count on OTC rifle tags for 2025.
70 isn't too old! My dad is 70 and still hunting elk every year and my grandpa was hunting elk well into his 80s. I hope I will be, too.

Good to hear that you're passing this on to your grandson--I'm sure he'll always treasure the memories!
Awesome thanks good to know maybe I need to take another look at this it appears my concerns about age may be a little misguided hmmmm
Are they doing away with them, going to all draw? Maybe some OTC now will be available with 1 or 2 points.
I might be too negative right now but the cpw is being heavily influenced by anti hunting groups and otc tags are something that many hunters would like changed so it’s an easy way for them to cut out some hunting.
Evening everyone first post on here after looking around a while found some good info on here. Well here goes, I have hunted most of my life, but only one in my family that does. I am 62 now. I live in Southeast Tx and hunt National Forest and some private leases for deer and hogs. Like most hunters I have dreamed of going out west/ Colorado mainly to hunt Elk and Mule Deer. Just to hunt and live the experience. The issue is I have no one to go with to help manage the logistics and work involved in the hunt and can’t go it alone especially for Elk, and wife wouldn’t allow it anyway. I have looked at DIY drop camps but they all want at least 2-4 hunters, no solo. Private land ranches are too expensive, and I would never even consider a high fence hunt, only fair chase. I have felt this want pressing on me lately and for the first time I have opened an account with Colorado division of Wildlife and purchased preference points this year for Elk and Deer. Felt good at least it is a start. I plan to buy points again next year and try and draw a 2 point unit in 2026 and maybe like a lot of you have suggested try and do a OTC Elk in 2025. Anyway I am looking for anyone any age that I could maybe meet and team up with as hunting partners and hopefully friends. I am 62 but can still work hard and pull my share of the load. I have a truck a 18’ camper and UTV to provide. Also would love to reciprocate and take a partner on a Pineywoods Whitetail hunt and/ or big hogs. I have a grandson who is 12 I am mentoring but by the time he is 20 , to maybe take trips with me I will be 70 and maybe that is too old to be in the Mountains, I don’t know. Hope this is not an inappropriate post. Been dreaming about Elk hunting since I received a North American Big Game hunting book when I was 15 . I hope to at least once sit on a mountain side with a rifle in my lap on a cold morning and glass for Elk/ Mule Deer . Thank you in advance for reading this, and good hunting! To you and yours. TC
Feel free to PM me. We can chat.
OP, speaking as somebody also from Texas you just gotta go man. I'd offer you to tag along but don't think we'll be in Colorado this year unless I pickup a reissue tag. Don't wait though, commit to going this season and get out there solo or otherwise. Your first year is gonna be a mess trying to figure things out, you need to experience it before you start to know what you don't know so you can build on your next trip. As somebody else stated get an Inreach or something (I carry my PLB) and go do some armed hiking. Take that 12 year old with you and stay near the truck, let him shoot some grouse or a snowshoe hare with a 22 and mark lots of waypoints for the next trip when you come back more aggressively.
There is a gentleman on here who is from Georgia who is looking for a someone to share his archery drop camp this year. Great guy, mid 50s if memory serves me right. He harvested an absolutely beautiful 6pt last year. Has a bit of knowledge in the area. Is confident tags can be drawn this year. Hopefully he sees your post. Best advice I can give you is train, weighted pack, leg muscles for strength and agility on uneven ground, improve lung capacity. It’s never too late to chase those dreams!