2020 Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

update on me, I've hit 55 yards with first arrow last 3 out of 4 mornings BUT I'm practicing after that for 12-30 arrows, so I'm not totally sure I'll go with 55 yards or drop it to 50.

What are some of you guys thinking at this point on your MER for the challenge?

80. If I want to be out of my comfort zone I'd say 100+. But furthest I'd shoot at an elk I think is 75. Trying to make myself practice a limit of 45 yards on whitetail. That's not because I can't hit them further, just because of how likely they are to move.
Perfect, thanks for clarifying. I think I'm a bit too honest with myself at times if that's even possible but I love the idea and it definitely makes sense...was 99% sure just wanted to clarify both for me and anyone else that wasn't 100% on it.

Awesome concept and thanks for putting this together, still on the fence about taking up space in the hat but you do make a good point about the added pressure. Will definitely think on that some more but no way I'm passing up on the challenge! ;)

Nothing says you need to take the prize yourself. If you win something you can do a second giveaway, on your own stipulations.
Yes after 200 people sign up the cold bow challenge, it will close for those who can draw prizes. After that members can still join the fun, shoot to see thier true MER, and post up thier results but won't be entered in any drawings for the prizes.

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Thanks for the clarification!
OK I just got home from my abbreviated work schedule and I’m gonna walk out there and fire one in 19 mile an hour winds.

I’ll edit my post with how it turned out.

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Heck yeah!!!

I did have to let down once. Wind was moving my bow all over the place. I probably just jinxed myself into thinking I can make the shot once the challenge opens. By the way I gave it about a quarter pin into the wind.
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OK I just got home from my abbreviated work schedule and I’m gonna walk out there and fire one in 19 mile an hour winds.

I’ll edit my post with how it turned out.

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Heck yeah!!!

I did have to let down once. Wind was moving my bow all over the place. I probably just jinxed myself into thinking I can make the shot once the challenge opens. By the way I gave it about a quarter pin into the wind.
Dang gina!
OK I just got home from my abbreviated work schedule and I’m gonna walk out there and fire one in 19 mile an hour winds.

I’ll edit my post with how it turned out.

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Heck yeah!!!

I did have to let down once. Wind was moving my bow all over the place. I probably just jinxed myself into thinking I can make the shot once the challenge opens. By the way I gave it about a quarter pin into the wind.
How are you liking the Matrix target?? Ive heard good things.
80. If I want to be out of my comfort zone I'd say 100+. But furthest I'd shoot at an elk I think is 75. Trying to make myself practice a limit of 45 yards on whitetail. That's not because I can't hit them further, just because of how likely they are to move.

Those little buggers are shiffty!!

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How are you liking the Matrix target?? Ive heard good things.

I love mine held up to an 80 lb Hoyt helix ultra at 31” draw shooting something like 585 grains all year and most of them were broad heads need to replace one module I have a broken broad head blade in it smoked it with a field point

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What are some of you guys thinking at this point on your MER for the challenge?

Last year I did the challenge at 75y and will again this year. It’s a realistic range for a lot of my hunting encounters. I practice between 70 and 90 nearly everyday except in the dead of winter. However it’s a whole other ball game knowing I only have that one arrow for the day and the pressure builds as the days add up, just like hunting! Knowing my limits and when to let down is a good thing for me to work on as I find myself forcing some shots during practice. I’m gonna mix it up with some uneven terrain and kneeling shots.
I think it’ll be 50 yards for me. Im hunting with a compound this year instead of a recurve...still getting back into the swing of things after a 3 year hiatus and can only practice to 55 right now. Moving to a new place in a couple weeks with potential for a 100 yard range which will be fun! Next year if I still have the training wheels on I would like to stretch things out a bit more.
I’ve been shooting my bow everyday for about two months keeping my mind busy. Today while at full draw I got stung on the neck by a honey bee. My neck is looking like it did when I played college football.

But did you miss?

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I love mine held up to an 80 lb Hoyt helix ultra at 31” draw shooting something like 585 grains all year and most of them were broad heads need to replace one module I have a broken broad head blade in it smoked it with a field point

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Thanks for the feedback, the whole module replacement is awesome, especially if you're shooting broadheads.
Also forgot to ask is there a pass on the rules if we shoot our bow at an animal. Its full spring here in Texas and coyote and turkey season is in full rip. Trying to take a rio turkey with my bow this year. No practice before hunting other then the one cold bow shot.
Also forgot to ask is there a pass on the rules if we shoot our bow at an animal. Its full spring here in Texas and coyote and turkey season is in full rip. Trying to take a rio turkey with my bow this year. No practice before hunting other then the one cold bow shot.
No problem, just make sure to shoot it at MER :p