I wondered about shooting in my yard just to be in for the prizes but felt that wasn't really the spirit of the competition, I'm glad you clarified it. I think you should highlight that in the main rules so people don't just get in for the prizes.
It's a bit of a trip to the range just for one arrow but man the spotter is enticing.
Thanks for the great competition.
Hey man, I jumped into the rules and made that clarification. See screenshot. Does that do it?

Also, we’ve had quite a few
guys drive to the range five times to to get in this challenge the last three years (remember it doesn’t have to be five days in a row). It’s a for-real challenge but I guarantee if you can make it happen, you’ll be a better archer for it.
Even though we limited it to 200 shooters, that’ll take a while to hit that if we even do, so it’s not like you gotta be in on day one, unless they surprise me.
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