Guess we'll be racing to shoot in the morning :lol:
Youth turkey season opened up here in WI but my tag isn't valid for just over a month!!! Been seeing turkeys every few days behind the house too!! I'm sure they'll be gone by my season.
Good luck with the gobblers!
LOL. Biggest decision I have to make is which vehicles headlights I'm gonna use to shoot at 0001.

We are hunting a mentor tag which is cool for him. I'm just there to help him and keep everything safe. Heard a couple birds get killed and got to see a fancy gobbler struttin and gobblin so off to a good start. He is pretty excited to go back out but we have ANOTHER winter storm coming tonight.
He is actually doing his own 1 shot a day challenge. Every day we shoot 1 hunting load at 17 paces on a turkey head target. He has been doing really well.