2020 Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

I shot it last year and it was fun. I shot at 60 yards and the hardest thing was not to keep shooting. This year having to stick around the place and not go very many places, I don't think I can do one a day for FIVE days. Shooting my bow several times a day keeps me sane so I think I'll pass and root on the rest. Good luck guys.
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Hey Robby, any issue with switching up the target during the shoot? I shot the matrix the first two days and probably will the next two. I have a rinehart mini elk that I haven’t shot yet and thought the smaller target would add some
Extra pressure the last day. Which I probably don’t need bc last year I choked bad on the last day

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Hey Robby,

Thanks for this challenge. I read your post above about guys joining with unrealistic MER (new terminology to me) at ranges around 30 yards which is where I chose to shoot for the challenge. I’m new to archery so that is about as far as I can hit an 8” plate most of the time which is my rifle rule so what I went with. If I misunderstood the purpose of this challenge and you’d like to give my spot to another guy, that’s fine.

I’ve been driving about 30 min to a lower elevation (still a fair amount of snow at my house) where I’ve found some turkeys to chase with a shotgun in the late afternoon and decided I would also bring my bow and shoot one before I head into the woods. To be honest, now that I’ve started this I’ll bring my bow regardless. The hard part is only getting to shoot one arrow! Again, I appreciate your moderation of the site and doing your best to keep it clean. Let me know if I’ve misunderstood the challenge and you’d like to give my spot to another guy. If that’s the case I’d like to know so I can send more than one arrow down range the next time I go.



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I got lucky and the weather moved to this afternoon. 50 with a light wind in Southern WI right now. Winds to 40mph and snow in the forecast for the evening now rather than all day. No complaints here!!! Tomorrow's shot may suck though with the wind forecast to continue. May even hold off a day as that kinda wind would probably chop 20 yards off my MER.
Hey Robby, any issue with switching up the target during the shoot? I shot the matrix the first two days and probably will the next two. I have a rinehart mini elk that I haven’t shot yet and thought the smaller target would add some
Extra pressure the last day. Which I probably don’t need bc last year I choked bad on the last day

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No problem switching targets, just keep your same MER. Thanks for asking

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Hey Robby,

Thanks for this challenge. I read your post above about guys joining with unrealistic MER (new terminology to me) at ranges around 30 yards which is where I chose to shoot for the challenge. I’m new to archery so that is about as far as I can hit an 8” plate most of the time which is my rifle rule so what I went with. If I misunderstood the purpose of this challenge and you’d like to give my spot to another guy, that’s fine.

I’ve been driving about 30 min to a lower elevation (still a fair amount of snow at my house) where I’ve found some turkeys to chase with a shotgun in the late afternoon and decided I would also bring my bow and shoot one before I head into the woods. To be honest, now that I’ve started this I’ll bring my bow regardless. The hard part is only getting to shoot one arrow! Again, I appreciate your moderation of the site and doing your best to keep it clean. Let me know if I’ve misunderstood the challenge and you’d like to give my spot to another guy. If that’s the case I’d like to know so I can send more than one arrow down range the next time I go.



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I saw your post and didn't have a problem with it as you said, new archer, new bow, and that's all you're comfortable hunting with right now. Plus you're driving 30 minutes to shoot one arrow!!!!

totally different than a guy with a Hoyt Carbon, new BG site, $20 arrows, and an 18" stabilizer saying I can shoot 60 but I'm restricted to 20 in my backyard so that's what I'm shooting.

Everyone see the difference?
I think you're getting hung up on that you might miss. You don't get disqualified for missing.

Yeah, heck l blew my shot this morning. I know I'm better than that but stuff happens. If I continue to have problems it just means I need more practice at that range or a closer MER on game...which is exactly what this challenge is supposed to help us figure out. ;)

So get out there and send it.
I saw your post and didn't have a problem with it as you said, new archer, new bow, and that's all you're comfortable hunting with right now. Plus you're driving 30 minutes to shoot one arrow!!!!

totally different than a guy with a Hoyt Carbon, new BG site, $20 arrows, and an 18" stabilizer saying I can shoot 60 but I'm restricted to 20 in my backyard so that's what I'm shooting.

Everyone see the difference?


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Day three is in the books. I’m post number 15 if you want to go check it. Toughest shot yet with 30° temps and 16 mph moving me all over.

And I just got a commitment from @Muleyslayer1 that he’s gonna video his last arrow. He’s 3-in as of today and nailing it. Pressure’s on buddy. I say two cameras so you got one for Roklide and the other on Instagram live. Do it!!!

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Shooting at 55 yards: Athens Convixtion @ 68lbs, Gold Tip Kinetic Pierce Platinum, Ironwill 100 gr broadhead, Tight Spot 5, Carter release.

Day 1 is in the video, but if you don't wanna watch it, here you go:

No wind. Standing. Held for like 15 seconds. Any self respecting buck prolly would’ve just walked away.

Day 2:

40°, 5 mile an hour wind at my back. Kneeling. Man I wanted to punch that trigger so bad (same emotion I get when drawing on a buck). Finally got settled down. I still feel like this was a little bit of luck.

Day 3:
Cold today! 30° with a 16 mph wind out of the north, quartering into my face.

Standing. This was my toughest shot yet, praising God that I pulled it off. Like yesterday I wanted to punch that trigger so bad but I just kept letting it settle and kept aiming. I knew when the trigger broke I had it. This one’s for Jesus!

And I just got a commitment from @Muleyslayer1 that he’s gonna video his last arrow. He’s 3-in as of today and nailing it. Pressure’s on buddy. I say two cameras so you got one for Roklide and the other on Instagram live. Do it!!!

Hold my Dr. Pepper! 😎🤜🏼💥🤛🏼
After reviewing the CBC thread, its interesting to see how different the weather conditions are for some guys...some shooting in 10 degree snow covered ground, others in grassy, warm green conditions. I'm luckily somewhere in between temp wise (hi 30-low 40s in the AM).
After reviewing the CBC thread, its interesting to see how different the weather conditions are for some guys...some shooting in 10 degree snow covered ground, others in grassy, warm green conditions. I'm luckily somewhere in between temp wise (hi 30-low 40s in the AM).
82 windy yesterday, shot this morning at 0830 temps in the 60's it's 1300 and it's 37 with winds at 20 gusting to 40. My next two days are going to be cold but no wind but I'm glad I took my shot in the AM. Located in central KS.
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82 windy yesterday, shot this morning at 0830 temps in the 60's it's 1300 and it's 37 with winds at 20 gusting to 40. My next two days are going to be cold but no wind but I'm glad I took my shot in the AM. Located in central KS.

Where at in central KS? I’m an AK res now but grew up in Topeka, and spent time in Great Bend and Sterling.

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