It's open!
Sorry if a few of you got deleted. I was trying to upload Randy, Tony, and Marc at same time and admin overrides any posts conflict
If your post isn't there, repost! I think there were two that I deleted. Sorry!
I have the text from one:
"Randy Ulmer! Wow...that is worth the wait!
I'm using 60 yards as my MER on an elk. I think it goes without saying the stars would have to align for me to actually take a 60 yard shot on an animal (i.e. perfect broadside opportunity on an elk that has no idea I'm there), but that's what I'm going with. I'm using the foam insert of my Rhinehardt target as my target area so if it doesn't hit the insert it's a fail. Here is my setup:
Hoyt Defiant Turbo at 70 lbs, 29.5 inch draw, shooting a 635 grain Day Six 250 arrow with a 125 grain RMS Cutthroat broadhead (+100 grain outsert) at about 265 FPS. Hamskea Trinity rest, Spott Hogg Hoggfather sight, bee stinger counterslide stabalizer, Tight Spot 7 arrow quiver.
Day 1: 4/10/2020 46 degrees, overcast, no wind. Shot felt good but ended up a bit high and left but is within the insert so it's a hit!
View attachment 169296
And just for fun we'll throw the recurve into the mix as well! I'm a couple of years away from hunting with this thing realistically but I enjoy shooting it. With this guy my MER is only 15 yards although I might stretch it to 20 by the end of summer! It's your basic Samic Sage takedown with 50 lb limbs (I think?) shooting gold tip trad arrows with the same RMS Cutthroat 125 grain broadhead. Ignore the sight on the bow...I shoot canted so it does me no good. My wife put that on there when she used to shoot and I just haven't taken it off since I upped the poundage on the limbs.
Day 1: Same as above. Shot actually felt really good, hit a bit high which is pretty normal for me."
but I didn't see the other one long enough to grab anything.