2020 Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

Throw a trail cam on your target. Go eat. Purify some water from down in the valley and come back

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I totally quoted the wrong post.

I’ll let it ride.

Strange for sure. If you want to annoy your wife. Today, i’ve been beginning all my sentences in our conversations with: “well, in times like these...” and then going on to ramble on about whatever heinous statement I decide to make.

She’s super enthralled.

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Can the target change so long as the distance remains the called MER? Our archery club is open but apparently under close scrutiny regarding obeying social distancing. I would feel like a dingdong if I showed up for my one arrow for the day and had to ask others who were already there to go sit away so I can shoot THE elk I shot yesterday when I can go elsewhere at the club and shoot 30 different targets at the same distance without putting anyone in timeout.
Just did my one arrow. Still hit the zone with a little trigger punch. But damn it's tough to shoot just one arrow and then watch the gf practice.
OK. The time has come to share my tale of woe from last season. I alluded to it a bit in a thread another member started, but have never told the whole story for a few different reasons. For one I was embarrassed to have made so many stupid mistakes, and for two I was just sick with the outcome. After so much practice and prep to have it turn out the way it did kept me up at nights. Adding to the mess was the fact I was still in nursing school and in a really unstable time to begin with which made dealing with the whole thing even worse. So here we go!
Like so many of you I have been bitten by the mule deer bug. Bad. I try not to let it overtake my life, but it has really become something I enjoy and spend regular time on it year round. After realizing that rifle deer tags for Wyoming and South Dakota would not be a yearly thing my wife and I made the leap into archery as here in South Dakota we can get tags every year. Complicating this new adventure was the fact that I entered nursing school shortly after starting down this path. I am known for juggling more than I can handle, but this was a bunch. 2017 found me in a remote canyon chasing a herd of mule deer I had found over the course of a few days. I had one chance to stalk them and while I got within 50 yards they didn't present a shot and I went home happy. 2018 was full on school and left little time for archery deer. We both shot buck antelope with our rifles and went home with unfilled whitetail rifle tags. That brings us to the focus of this story, September 2019.
My stalking, glassing, scouting, and shooting skills had all increased greatly. Following the advice of The Legend I had spent considerable time practicing once a day shots and was confident at all angles to 45 yards. I had identified an area that on the map looked good and we headed there for a quick two day trip. I had both an antelope and a deer tag but without a doubt my intention was to look for deer. We arrived in the dark at a place we could glass from the truck when the sun came up and after a few hours sleep did so with great results. One really nice antelope buck and a pile of nice mule deer bucks. It was hard to believe I had found a spot like that but after a few years of looking I had developed a fair sense of what makes bucks tick in these high desert areas and to my surprise I found a great location.
What I am yet to learn is patience with waiting for them to bed. I found a really nice deer bedded with a doe a quarter mile away and was off like a shot. Unfortunately he was gone when I got there so I snuck around for a few hour before heading back to the truck to regroup. There were two primary areas bucks were congregating at, one close that I had been at in the morning, and one farther away that I headed to later in the day. I thought I knew where the deer had gone and identified a rise I could glass from for the evening.
As I approached that rise I jumped two deer out of a field of waist high grass that were far better than anything I had ever seen on public land, maybe ever. They were matching typical 4X4's that were really nice. Legit 180-190 bucks and perfect twins. I knew enough to just hunker down until they were out of sight and back off, but with time so tight I pushed it. After they made it out of sight I followed them slowly and after an hour found them bedded at the bottom of a small cliff. The spot they were in was open but I thought I could get closer. After a while I had closed the distance to 100 yards with no chance of getting closer. They somehow knew I was there and stood up. It was amazing to see such incredible animals so close. After all that work even though I couldn't shoot it was validation for all the work I had put in to be so close to such amazing deer.

OK. The time has come to share my tale of woe from last season.

Heck of a season to find a couple awesome bucks like that. Man it seemed the wet year really allowed a lot of bucks to blow up. Sounds like you learned a ton of great lessons you can use for next year to get one of those bucks!
Can the target change so long as the distance remains the called MER? Our archery club is open but apparently under close scrutiny regarding obeying social distancing. I would feel like a dingdong if I showed up for my one arrow for the day and had to ask others who were already there to go sit away so I can shoot THE elk I shot yesterday when I can go elsewhere at the club and shoot 30 different targets at the same distance without putting anyone in timeout.

Yes. Ok to shoot different targets as long as MER stays the same. Vital size should stay the same too but we could let that part slide

Now I’m going to read FatCamps hunt story while I wait for this to open

Leave me guys, this is hurting me too!

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Heck of a season to find a couple awesome bucks like that. Man it seemed the wet year really allowed a lot of bucks to blow up. Sounds like you learned a ton of great lessons you can use for next year to get one of those bucks!

Oh, the lessons are just starting. Getting the kid ready for turkey killing in the am. I'll finish shortly.
Well guys, I know it’s dark on the East Coast now. I’m so sorry this didn’t get open today. Trust me when I say it’s a little beyond my control right now. So I’m hoping for tomorrow.

One thing to remember, nowhere in the rules does it say that this is a “live“ challenge.

I don’t wanna make it too complicated, but let’s just say you shot an arrow today and you have your picture and you’re ready to post, but we don’t get the thread open till say, God forbid, Monday. Today’s arrow could be your first arrow post on Monday; then if you shot Saturday that could go on Tuesday. Then say you skip Sunday, then you could post Monday’s arrow on Wednesday etc. make sense?

The Spirit of the challenge is the one arrow a day with no practice in between. Not necessarily a “live“ challenge.

Not sure if that helps anybody, but I know some of you are really worried about getting in on the first 200 posts, and don’t want to babysit this thread all weekend, so as long as you got that first arrow in there, I’m just saying it doesn’t matter if it was posted a day late.

Hope that helps. Talk soon.

In the meantime, fatcamp it’s a great time to post up the rest of your story now you got us hanging ha ha Ha

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Well guys, I know it’s dark on the East Coast now. I’m so sorry this didn’t get open today. Trust me when I say it’s a little beyond my control right now. So I’m hoping for tomorrow.

One thing to remember, nowhere in the rules does it say that this is a “live“ challenge.

I don’t wanna make it too complicated, but let’s just say you shot an arrow today and you have your picture and you’re ready to post, but we don’t get the thread open till say, God forbid, Monday. Today’s arrow could be your first arrow post on Monday; then if you shot Saturday that could go on Tuesday. Then say you skip Sunday, then you could post Monday’s arrow on Wednesday etc. make sense?

The Spirit of the challenge is the one arrow a day with no practice in between. Not necessarily a “live“ challenge.

Not sure if that helps anybody, but I know some of you are really worried about getting in on the first 200 posts, and don’t want to babysit this thread all weekend, so as long as you got that first arrow in there, I’m just saying it doesn’t matter if it was posted a day late.

Hope that helps. Talk soon.

In the meantime, fatcamp it’s a great time to post up the rest of your story now you got us hanging ha ha Ha

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Thanks Legend.

It does help. A lot. I was planning on shooting starting today for the challenge and every day after to fulfill the challenge. That way I can go back to practicing everyday because quite frankly I don’t have much to do!
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It's open!

Sorry if a few of you got deleted. I was trying to upload Randy, Tony, and Marc at same time and admin overrides any posts conflict

If your post isn't there, repost! I think there were two that I deleted. Sorry!

I have the text from one:

"Randy Ulmer! Wow...that is worth the wait!

I'm using 60 yards as my MER on an elk. I think it goes without saying the stars would have to align for me to actually take a 60 yard shot on an animal (i.e. perfect broadside opportunity on an elk that has no idea I'm there), but that's what I'm going with. I'm using the foam insert of my Rhinehardt target as my target area so if it doesn't hit the insert it's a fail. Here is my setup:

Hoyt Defiant Turbo at 70 lbs, 29.5 inch draw, shooting a 635 grain Day Six 250 arrow with a 125 grain RMS Cutthroat broadhead (+100 grain outsert) at about 265 FPS. Hamskea Trinity rest, Spott Hogg Hoggfather sight, bee stinger counterslide stabalizer, Tight Spot 7 arrow quiver.

Day 1: 4/10/2020 46 degrees, overcast, no wind. Shot felt good but ended up a bit high and left but is within the insert so it's a hit!

View attachment 169296

And just for fun we'll throw the recurve into the mix as well! I'm a couple of years away from hunting with this thing realistically but I enjoy shooting it. With this guy my MER is only 15 yards although I might stretch it to 20 by the end of summer! It's your basic Samic Sage takedown with 50 lb limbs (I think?) shooting gold tip trad arrows with the same RMS Cutthroat 125 grain broadhead. Ignore the sight on the bow...I shoot canted so it does me no good. My wife put that on there when she used to shoot and I just haven't taken it off since I upped the poundage on the limbs.

Day 1: Same as above. Shot actually felt really good, hit a bit high which is pretty normal for me."

but I didn't see the other one long enough to grab anything.
It's open!

Sorry if a few of you got deleted. I was trying to upload Randy, Tony, and Marc at same time and admin overrides any posts conflict

If your post isn't there, repost! I think there were two that I deleted. Sorry!

I have the text from one:

"Randy Ulmer! Wow...that is worth the wait!

I'm using 60 yards as my MER on an elk. I think it goes without saying the stars would have to align for me to actually take a 60 yard shot on an animal (i.e. perfect broadside opportunity on an elk that has no idea I'm there), but that's what I'm going with. I'm using the foam insert of my Rhinehardt target as my target area so if it doesn't hit the insert it's a fail. Here is my setup:

Hoyt Defiant Turbo at 70 lbs, 29.5 inch draw, shooting a 635 grain Day Six 250 arrow with a 125 grain RMS Cutthroat broadhead (+100 grain outsert) at about 265 FPS. Hamskea Trinity rest, Spott Hogg Hoggfather sight, bee stinger counterslide stabalizer, Tight Spot 7 arrow quiver.

Day 1: 4/10/2020 46 degrees, overcast, no wind. Shot felt good but ended up a bit high and left but is within the insert so it's a hit!

View attachment 169296

And just for fun we'll throw the recurve into the mix as well! I'm a couple of years away from hunting with this thing realistically but I enjoy shooting it. With this guy my MER is only 15 yards although I might stretch it to 20 by the end of summer! It's your basic Samic Sage takedown with 50 lb limbs (I think?) shooting gold tip trad arrows with the same RMS Cutthroat 125 grain broadhead. Ignore the sight on the bow...I shoot canted so it does me no good. My wife put that on there when she used to shoot and I just haven't taken it off since I upped the poundage on the limbs.

Day 1: Same as above. Shot actually felt really good, hit a bit high which is pretty normal for me."

but I didn't see the other one long enough to grab anything.

That was me! No big deal, I reposted. Thanks!
That was me! No big deal, I reposted. Thanks!

Thanks man for your understanding! It was a stressful few minutes for me trying to get Randy and Tony and Marc coordinated and you guys were blowing up the thread. Thanks again glad you’re in there.

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Ah bummer, I didn't think this would kickoff today so I hit the 3d range. Here's 3 from 60. Gusty winds this afternoon.

I'll have to get in on this in the morning.0410201237_HDR.jpg