2019 Cold Bow Challenge Question/Comment Thread

The challenge looks like it will coincidence with turkey season, which I'm planning to use a bow for. Do I DQ myself if I launched an arrow at a turkey mid challenge?

Also, is using a string release training device ok mid challenge?

Looking forward to this!

I'll be in the same boat with turkeys.

My vote is its ok, except you have to add that to the thread as additional shots.

It's designed to replicate actual hunting.
This is the only crappy part.

Means I wont be able to shoot any hogs with my bow for 5 days.

Guess they'll get the ole WinMag that week.

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Since mechanicals are ok to shoot as broadheads, would using the BMP of a deadmeat broadhead count as a broadhead?

I plan on trying this with my Iron Wills but if I dont feel comfortable by then the deadmeat may be backup.

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Is it 5 days in a row? I thought last year it didn't need to take place on 5 consecutive days. If it took you two weeks it was ok so long as it was still one arrow a day.

No, doesn’t have to be five days in a row, just no shooting between days. Someone could take the whole 30 days to complete the challenge, as long as they only shot five arrows in the 30 days.

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The challenge looks like it will coincidence with turkey season, which I'm planning to use a bow for. Do I DQ myself if I launched an arrow at a turkey mid challenge?

Also, is using a string release training device ok mid challenge?

Looking forward to this!

You disqualify yourself. There’s no shooting between days. So pick your poison, turkey hunting or CBC. Are you hunting the whole month of May? Are you saying you can’t find five days in the entire month that you’re not turkey hunting? If so, this contest is not for you this year. Maybe next time.

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I'll be in the same boat with turkeys.

My vote is its ok, except you have to add that to the thread as additional shots.

Not OK. Just go hunt turkeys and don’t worry about the CBC, or enter after you get your bird. You have a month to qualify!

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This is the only crappy part.

Means I wont be able to shoot any hogs with my bow for 5 days.

Guess they'll get the ole WinMag that week.

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Hahah. Give ‘em the Win Mag.

I get this same feedback every year, if you get a chance to go hunt hogs go do that! Enter the contest after you’re done hunting, we gave you a month to qualify.

The whole point of this challenge is to replicate what happens when we’re on the mountain. We end up hunting our butts off for days at a time with no practice then Bam!!the moment of truth is in front of us and we have to make that one shot count!

And people’s! please don’t clutter up the thread with the “one time that I got off a second arrow at my animal after I missed it the first time” comment.

I always get that feedback as well as people try to diminish the whole point of the CBC.

I’ve killed about 10 big game animals with a bow in my life, and only one of them did I get a second shot at.

The entire contest is based on something I’ve heard many top level shooters promote. Walk outside with no warm-up and only one arrow to shoot, go to your maximum range that you think you can put one in the vitals and fire away and see what happens.

When I started doing that, my maximum effective range shrunk about 10 yards. That means I walked around for years thinking my maximum affective range was 14% farther than what it really was. It’s because I was basing it on those awesomely tight groups I would shoot in my best days.

Or I always thought I was a better shot than I was because I was practicing with field points instead of broadheads (and I’m in a state that requires fixed blades,).

If you go to the 2017 challenge and look at my groups , that makes my whole point. I was field points at 70 yards and my groups were great. But when I really thought about it, I knew that wasn’t actual hunting capabilities. Last year I shortened it to 60 and shot fixed blades, and sure enough I didn’t shoot as well.

But as much as anything this contest is designed to motivate people to start shooting earlier (you’ll see evidence for that already in some of the comments above!). Almost invariably, some Yahoo will post on here “can we start this in July, I’ll have my bow ready by then”?!?!?! Or “let’s do this closer to the hunt when I have my broadheads sighted in”?!!?

The CBC is designed to help everyone not be those guys!!!
You’re only going to get to know your equipment better and your abilities better by starting earlier. I’ve learned that myself.

Honestly we should be doing this thing in March, but it’s so cold in the northern half of the country it’s pretty hard for people to get out and shoot distance

Have fun everyone.

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Since mechanicals are ok to shoot as broadheads, would using the BMP of a deadmeat broadhead count as a broadhead?

I plan on trying this with my Iron Wills but if I dont feel comfortable by then the deadmeat may be backup.

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I don’t know what that is, but for it to qualify in the broadheads category for the extra name in the hat, you have to be shooting into the target exactly what you will be shooting in the animal. If your mechanicals come with a faux point that’s the manufacture says takes the place of the bladed point, we’re only counting that as a field point entry

For us to be able to give the extra entries for the broadheads, I have to draw the line somewhere. And if it gets too complicated trying to figure out equipment, we wouldn’t be able to do it. So I hope this is the fairest way to go.

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Are you hunting the whole month of May? Are you saying you can’t find five days in the entire month that you’re not turkey hunting?

Yes, actually. Turkey hunting here is a one month season, and it's May.. So, it depends on when I tag out on two birds, or if I ever fire an arrow.

I personally will always pick hunting over an internet challenge so may have to disqualify myself or start over.
I personally will always pick hunting over an internet challenge so may have to disqualify myself or start over.

You should always pick hunting over anything on the internet

And people have had to requalify before for various reasons so that’s fine.

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