2014 SHOT show Live Updates?

Hey Fellas,

I'm not sure on this, but I don't know that Kuiu has a booth at SHOT. We looked yesterday and did not see them anywhere.

If they're at SHOT, we'll get all the info on the 2014 gear!

We're not at Shot. Because we sell directly to the Consumer, there is no real need for us to be at Shot. We were at DSC last week, the Sheep show in Reno next week, SCI in Vegas and Western Hunting & Conservation in Salt Lake City in February.
A search of exhibitors shows Kuiu is not at the show. That's an interesting choice for them, but then again they are not trying to get dealers to buy their product.

We'll that sucks, Aron are you going to be going to the Sheep show? Or anyone else who could check out the KUIU booth?
image.jpgAsking the people at Berger, "where are all the bullets"?! They have 4 new machines cranking them out so they are coming!
We'll that sucks, Aron are you going to be going to the Sheep show? Or anyone else who could check out the KUIU booth?

I believe I read that Kifaru will be at the sheep show and if that is the case I’m sure Aron will be there but may be busy working the booth. I will be attending the Sheep show and will take some photos and do a write up on it like I did last year. I will defiantly be stopping by the KUIU booth as I want to see their new tents.
Christensen Arms CA-15 with OSS suppressor SWEET!

We are talking with the people at Cooper firearms, any questions for them Roksliders?
I believe I read that Kifaru will be at the sheep show and if that is the case I’m sure Aron will be there but may be busy working the booth. I will be attending the Sheep show and will take some photos and do a write up on it like I did last year. I will defiantly be stopping by the KUIU booth as I want to see their new tents.

That would be awesome. Looking forward to it.

I think a lot of people would be interested in what the bullet and powder manufacturers have to say. It is getting better but real slow. I found it interesting that midway says the 162 amax is a SEASONAL RUN on their site. You got to be kidding me. I would like to test them but can't find them. Hum! I was also told by a very large gun shop in PA that they won't carry bergers because they don' get a whole sale price and feel the price gets to steep for most people here in PA.
Any updates on Kryptek camo? Are the guys offering anything new besides the new waterproof puffy (not that it won't be awesome I bet)
Here at the First Lite booth with Kenton talking about the new North branch soft shell jacket taped at the seams 10,000/10,000
I think a lot of people would be interested in what the bullet and powder manufacturers have to say. It is getting better but real slow. I found it interesting that midway says the 162 amax is a SEASONAL RUN on their site. You got to be kidding me. I would like to test them but can't find them. Hum! I was also told by a very large gun shop in PA that they won't carry bergers because they don' get a whole sale price and feel the price gets to steep for most people here in PA.

In order to get a decent price on Berger, dealers have to order a minimum of $10,000 worth of bullets per order! I'm setup with them through a "gunsmith" discount and unless I purchase $10k worth of bullets I have to pay MSRP, which coincidently enough is MORE EXPENSIVE than what you pay at places like Midway... Love their bullets but their dealer program really needs some work. But when you can't keep up with demand already why focus on revamping your dealer program??
