2014 SHOT show Live Updates?

In order to get a decent price on Berger, dealers have to order a minimum of $10,000 worth of bullets per order! I'm setup with them through a "gunsmith" discount and unless I purchase $10k worth of bullets I have to pay MSRP, which coincidently enough is MORE EXPENSIVE than what you pay at places like Midway... Love their bullets but their dealer program really needs some work. But when you can't keep up with demand already why focus on revamping your dealer program??


They cater to the BIG BOYS. Some manufacturers still think in year 2000. Ive had some luck meeting minimums by rounding up a bunch of guys and placing an order when the minimums are that high. But its a p.i.a!
They cater to the BIG BOYS. Some manufacturers still think in year 2000. Ive had some luck meeting minimums by rounding up a bunch of guys and placing an order when the minimums are that high. But its a p.i.a!

Yep pretty much... Still though for being a relatively small company I was surprised at how much they didn't have options for small time dealers or rifle builders. That's typically one of the perks of being in this industry and Berger needs to get on board :)
Yep pretty much... Still though for being a relatively small company I was surprised at how much they didn't have options for small time dealers or rifle builders. That's typically one of the perks of being in this industry and Berger needs to get on board :)

The world is gravitating toward e-commerce, no minimums, piece orders. But its taking its sweet time. Ask them if they have any wholesale distributors. Sometimes when a manufacturer does not want to deal with the smaller guys they allow their distributors to do it. Last year at SHOT I met about 12-15 distributors and by the time I sat down and looked at all the products they carry it was 50k+ might not be manufacturer direct pricing but still better than retail.
The world is gravitating toward e-commerce, no minimums, piece orders. But its taking its sweet time. Ask them if they have any wholesale distributors. Sometimes when a manufacturer does not want to deal with the smaller guys they allow their distributors to do it. Last year at SHOT I met about 12-15 distributors and by the time I sat down and looked at all the products they carry it was 50k+ might not be manufacturer direct pricing but still better than retail.

And those were all non ffl, non-firearm, non-ammunition. My business license states "no firearms" Im pretty sure that the distribution world that includes those things is HUGE!
And those were all non ffl, non-firearm, non-ammunition. My business license states "no firearms" Im pretty sure that the distribution world that includes those things is HUGE!

It is monstrous I have accounts with 2 different distributors and it's insane how many products they have... And no minimums after initial minimum requirements are met. But I'm also competing for those bullets with many many other dealers....
If anybody has a chance swing by the benchmade booth, I've heard they have a new series of knives coming out for the backcountry hunter, I'm a huge fan of benchmade, and they are produced in my home state, good stuff
If anybody has a chance swing by the benchmade booth, I've heard they have a new series of knives coming out for the backcountry hunter, I'm a huge fan of benchmade, and they are produced in my home state, good stuff

Yeah I saw that picture...

Reminds me when I tell the wife "lets play Doctor" to specifically say "non surgical"
If anybody has a chance swing by the benchmade booth, I've heard they have a new series of knives coming out for the backcountry hunter, I'm a huge fan of benchmade, and they are produced in my home state, good stuff

I don't know if the guys here make it down there for you. If they don't I found this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mw68byiNmTI They talk about the hunting knives at about 3:10.
I've been watching videos of SHOT show every morning at work while I go about some mindless tasks. Most of the stuff I've seen is from gun people so I'm psyched for the Rokslide guys to get some videos up to watch. You have to wade thru the fateofdestiny stuff if you do a search on youtube. She puts ALOT of videos out it looks like. Its kind of cool she's uploading from the show every half hour or so, so you get a lot from her, but she's mostly gun stuff. She is alright to look at though.
EMR 2, it can haul some shit

Locally I was looking for some 168gr .284 Berger VLD's and all they had was 140's and 180's, however they had the 500 packs of 168's. I don't need that many.