So Tom and Ed take off and I stay back and keep and eye on the group. About an hour later. Ed and Tom seem to be getting close, but the buck seems to be pushing one doe further away from the group and Ed and Tom.
There are a couple of does bedded between the buck and Ed and Tim, so they are stuck. As luck would have it a yearling deer hears them and stands up to investigate. This deer starts to bleet and the buck comes up to check it out.
At this point they are about 60 yards from Ed and Tom, but the slope and topography blocks out their line of sight, they can only hear it.
At just about the same time, a couple of does bust out of the bottom for an unknown reason and the entire groups lines out, buck number two in line.
From my point of view they are going to walk right by Ed and Tom. I am certain I am looking at a dead deer walking.
#1 doe goes by, then buck starts up also. Dumb buck pauses at 20 yards, Tom draws and let's go on a money shot. The buck jumps up and heads down the hill about 40 yards.
I am watching and can see the ahoy is slightly back but the deer can't hardly move. I signal Tom to move down and finish him off and just like that 1 of 3 deer tags is punched.
Ed and Tom are obviously excited. I grab my Duplex Timberline and strap both there packs and our gear onto mine. A quick trip to meet up with them and a bunch of photos.
Ed took the nice photos on his camera but I took one also. Tom was super excited and I was glad to be there for it.
Day 2 will start in about 10 hours. Hopefully more of the same.