2024 Colorado Live Hunt

We still aren't seeing big numbers. Snow was late in this area so it seems a lot of the deer haven't migrated in. Last night we saw the tall buck I posted above and we decided to hike closer but couldn't find him again in the oak brush.

This morning has been uneventful. Cold and clear, and now it's starting to get warm.

Dylan has been wearing my @Hoffman Boots pack boots so his feet have been warm. I'm wearing my Lathrops so my feet have been freezing. I think it's time for another pair of packs.

It's very warm in the sun today and everything is laying in the the shade. We are glassing like crazy trying to turn something up.


Thanks everyone! Dylan is stoked.

He spotted the buck about 4:30 and it walked into the open within a minute. He was already set up with bipod front, tripod rear, just like we were practicing at lunch. He made a great shot at 440 yards but the buck was still standing so he sent two more and the buck was down. He did a great job keeping it in the scope and made two very fast and effective follow-up shots. The buck only walked about five wobbly steps as Dylan shot it three times.


Nothing for my brother this morning. We split up so we could look in two areas. We saw a lot of does and a few small bucks, but nothing decent.

Currently the wind is ripping so we are having lunch and waiting it out at camp. Forcast says the wind should start dying down soon so the evening could be good.

We are trying out a cool product this year called the CapeMate. I met the owners at the Western Hunt Expo and thought it looked good. The owner/creator is a hunting guide and I think he did a pretty good job.
