2 weeks from desert sheep opener.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deleted member 8-15-23
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Porn stars, sailors, fish tacos, lifted trucks that don’t ever haul anything, Comic-Con, petco park, always humid, foggy beaches… Did I miss anything? 😎
Those lifted trucks are 2wd. Don’t forget LA has encroached all the way to San Diego, you can get out of there without bumper to bumper traffic, June glume is 12 months straight, the water is cold as shit, sdsu is awesome. That’ll give you a good start! 😆
My theory is one of two.

1. This guy has some mental disability that affects the ability to act rationally. Manic depression, Asperger's, or something similar. I worked with a guy that had manic depression and he kind of acted like this dude. He would go through fits of "I am the greatest thing to walk the earth" and would make up some of the most far fetched stuff and stick to it no matter what.

2. We have a dude that truly is mid sixties that really thinks he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I saw this type of behavior when I worked at a sporting goods store. I would get many boomer aged people that came in and would spout stuff very similar to this. I don't know what the cause of it is. I had a guy show me all the pictures of these huge deer he killed and how he wouldnt even look at a deer under 220 or 240 ( I cant remember exactly what the threshold was but it was unreasonably big). I am far from an expert but none of the deer he had were that big. I finally asked him where he was consistently finding deer this big? He gave me the name of an outfitter in Mexico that he went with every year. The cheapest hunt was 50,000. OP talks just like this guy did.

If this is a troll, which is a possibility, he has a bank of pictures that cant be found posted on the internet. I have reversed searched them and cant find them anywhere. We also have someone that claims their friend met OP at the orientation meeting. That is what I base my theories on and why I dont think this is some 20 something year old in their moms basement. There was also a guy very early own that claimed to have known OP for years.

Either way, the dude is full of shit but has brought great entertainment.
I think the more likely scenario is he is a pathological liar with money. Always has to embellish everything and is claiming the accomplishments/actions of many people close to him for his internet persona.

There’s likely a bunch of truths in here surrounded by heavy embellishments and outright lies.

Case in point, Not hard to google who the Boeing director was he referenced as his wife in other posts. Her husband does look similar to his profile pics. But it’s not him, likely close family. It’s also possible he has killed a large amount of whitetails, but likely not the number he claimed and likely a ton of does over corn. The only people I know who come close to the numbers he’s spurting are very wealthy landowners who are “culling” does over corn to meet doe to buck management ratios. I’ve taken part in this and would not really refer to it as hunting or fun, but if done properly it’s a good way to feed the homeless and needy families. Not something to brag about though unless you’re trying to come across as the man, the myth, the legend, the ROAL REAPER!
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Can someone tell me why this has to go on?
Can someone tell me why this has to go on?
Because some were out on the Whites mountains there is a 160+ ram, and that ram and roal reaper have a date with destiny. Every second of time has led up to this clash of the gods. Just think about it! How many previous generations of rams and roal reapers had to survive the many hardships and battles so these two descendants could square off and settle it once and for all.
Who will prevail ROAL or ROAL REAPER.

This saga is finally reaching a crescendo and there will be closure……soon.

We need closure, ROAL or ROAL REAPER ancestors need closure………….the world needs closure!
This should become the meat pile thread for all to show off this season.

That will get him back here.

@Ucsdryder is going to hold the decoy so I can shoot a PY doe Pronghorn before we start on elk, and then he is pretty good at drawing in SCI book cows. Probably kill both in the same day and post up here.
Porn stars, sailors, fish tacos, lifted trucks that don’t ever haul anything, Comic-Con, petco park, always humid, foggy beaches… Did I miss anything? 😎
Homeless, traffic, pollution, taxes, illegal aliens, drugs, endless crime... you are conditioned to believe it is normal... until you leave. Been there, done that.

This thread is very entertaining... Ed F
Ugh. Here I am trying to plan a weekend going up to the cabin to get some things ready for the season.....and yet I have the saga of the ROAL Reaper in the back of my mind; fully knowing that I will not have service to obtain the updates to crave my addiction. Sumbitch!!! The thought of canceling my trip to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity is a real possibility.
I will admit...I am an addict and need more ROAL Reaper updates!!
Ugh. Here I am trying to plan a weekend going up to the cabin to get some things ready for the season.....and yet I have the saga of the ROAL Reaper in the back of my mind; fully knowing that I will not have service to obtain the updates to crave my addiction. Sumbitch!!! The thought of canceling my trip to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity is a real possibility.
I will admit...I am an addict and need more ROAL Reaper updates!!

How many book trophy’s are in your cabin?

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