Amazing and well written article, you have mentioned all of your experience here in this article. That is a good read. I've seen great views and exposure of yours. Would you mind telling me which bags you have used this whole time? It's great that you managed everything wisely.
Nice well I usually prefer Viking motorcycle bags. They are available in a lot of different features, easy to carry and also you can put all your important stuff into those bags. They are amazing.
Selway i like it, but I mostly prefer to take a viking motorcycle backpack whenever I have plans to go hiking. You can put a lot of useful things in it.
I can imagine this kind of pain. It mostly happens. You need to focus on those workouts that strengthen your bone density and make them strong. Warm up exercises, stretching, squats etc. Try these exercises in order to make your bones strong and to protect yourself from this situation ever again.
Nutrition is the first and foremost thing that must be taken into consideration. After that work on Cardio, weighted pull-ups, barbell lower back and leg, shoulder press, strength training workouts.
For me, fitness is related to something that provides you enough stamina so you could manage the stress of disease, fatigue. Also, it’s an ability to perform daily basis tasks with strength and endurance.