What is "fitness"?

Jan 30, 2022
For me and the people I train and coach- fitness is freedom. The freedom to do what you want in the real world with your body and not be limited by your physical ability. It means being strong enough, having enough endurance and being flexible enough to go and do awesome stuff in the real world.
Jan 30, 2022
This is CrossFits definition of fitness and I think it's beautiful. It could be restated as "how versatile are you?". Can you run and hike and swim and bike and row? Can you do it over short and long time domains? How strong are you in how many different lifts? Can you lift heavy? And then how is your muscular endurance? How is your ability to handle your own body weight? Etc, etc. This definition if then applied to your lifespan becomes a really cool definition of health, or healthspan.. I "do" CrossFit on average 4 days a week, and then bias that with heavy pack training walks or hikes most mornings. This seems to work really well in being prepared for sheep hunting
Love that! "How versatile are you" is such a great question. I'm a crossfitter too and I love using it as a base for all my training. I add cardio, extra lifting, rucking etc to match what I am working on at the time. Prior to elk season its a lot of step ups and running. Prior to deer season it's a lot of sled drags and biking.


Nov 22, 2022
For me, fitness is related to something that provides you enough stamina so you could manage the stress of disease, fatigue. Also, it’s an ability to perform daily basis tasks with strength and endurance.