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  1. Buschlatte

    MT Results 2021

  2. Buschlatte

    Best wild game meat

    #1 caribou #2 black bear #3 elk
  3. Buschlatte

    Bear Meat is delicious.

    i've loved bear meat of any kind ever time i've had it. very underestimated in my opinion.
  4. Buschlatte

    Black bears in NC are pretty smart

    this is hilarious
  5. Buschlatte

    Pet Peeves

    waterfowl hunting public land and every single person out there screaming on there duck calls confusing every single bird that shows up
  6. Buschlatte

    Show us how you carry your bow

    strapped on the pack while hiking in
  7. Buschlatte

    6.5 prc and elk

    i can't speak for the 6.5 PRC but for bullet selection i think it's worth looking into the sierra gamechanger. nice heavily constructed bullet that held together very well for me. 308. Win 2650fps with 165gr gamechanger had very good expansion and held together going through left shoulder and...
  8. Buschlatte

    Frame pack

    anything mystery ranch in that size. i have the pop up 18 that is now discontinued. it is a small pack but works well for me because i only day hunt and usually run light on gear. the pop up frame on it is very sturdy and has carried 80ish pounds of boned out elk very well. all in all i am...
  9. Buschlatte

    What state for guided elk hunt?

    could could definitely do it in montana for 10k all in. archery or rifle, but the rifle permit would be a tough draw. archery almost garunteed. 280-320 class bulls, i know people personally who hunt the same outfitter every year archery and have harvested 3 of 5 years and one of those years...
  10. Buschlatte

    The Season - 2019

    popped my elk cherry!
  11. Buschlatte

    Fall black bear tactics

    Is glassing from a boat useful? We are looking at the lake koocanusa area and are thinking about taking the boat with. Are they often found near lakes? Or is food primarily the name of the game.
  12. Buschlatte

    Fall black bear tactics

    Myself and a buddy are already looking out to next fall for planning our next hunt. I live in eastern montana and have never bear hunted so we are considering a DIY black bear hunt in the northwestern part of the state. Tags are reasonable for a non resident and my buddy can buy them OTC so...