Sub-$400 scope for deer


Nov 5, 2023
Ive got a Patriot 6.5 that was given to me by my FIL. It will be my son's first rifle to learn on and do some eastern deer hunting. FIL put a super crappy scope on it so I want to put something better but im not going to spend a bunch on it, as the title says under $400. ill probably stick with the typical 3-9x40, maybe 3 or 4-12. I have a VX-Freedom I like so I could get another one. Vortex Diamondback is an option, I feel like the Bushnell R5 or Engage would be good as well, if a bit below the Leupold. Burris has slim pickins in this range, but they could be an option.

Do you have another option? If not, out of those, which would you choose?
I bought a Trijicon Huron when they were $300 awhile back, since then, they passed the drop tests here. The price has went back up. I haven’t tried any you have listed other than the Diamondback, I’d buy another Huron without thinking much about it unless I wanted the illumination from a credo or accupoint.
I would take the advice stated above. Try and find a Trijicon Huron for that price. I put the 3-12 on my boys 308 and it’s great.

Burris FF E1
Maven CRS series (one in classifieds)

Are 2 other more reliable options that will suit you better than the Vortex or Leupold.
I would take the advice stated above. Try and find a Trijicon Huron for that price. I put the 3-12 on my boys 308 and it’s great.

Burris FF E1
Maven CRS series (one in classifieds)

Are 2 other more reliable options that will suit you better than the Vortex or Leupold.
More reliable how?
Vortex and Leupold scopes are well known to fail or lose zero.
That’s a matter of opinion, international/ African hunters seem to trust leopold
On dangerous game
I would not buy any thing with a turret to dial in moa for LDH except a couple that
Are in the $2000-3000 price bracket ( only a few will track right when dialing a lot)
A Burris signature has been on my .300wm and it hasn’t changed in 20+ years of bouncing around in my truck
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I have 3-9x40 vx- freedom’s and vx-2’s on my 45-70 and three 450bm’s never had to adjust zero and that’s at least 5 years of hunting on them. I know many guys hunting with leupold’s on their strait walls with no scope issues.

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Find a zeiss conquest 3-9x40...You can find them on the auction sites for $3-400. Great glass, tremendous eye relief, durable - as good of a set and forget 3-9x that you will find
That’s a matter of opinion, international/ African hunters seem to trust leopold
On dangerous game
I would not buy any thing with a turret to dial in moa for LDH except a couple that
Are in the $2000-3000 price bracket ( only a few will track right when dialing a lot)
A Burris signature has been on my .300wm and it hasn’t changed in 20+ years of bouncing around in my truck

Not opinion in my personal experience. Not opinion when everyone I know that runs a PST Gen 2 just magically loses zero every year.

It has cost more than one in my hunting group an elk.

We’ll agree to disagree, I wouldn’t and will never trust them.

THAT being said, it is a real shame. I love Leupold glass. Scope failures can happen to any brand, I have just seen it first hand more prominently in those two brands specifically.

Burris has been great.
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Losing zero is interesting, I carried an ACOG in Iraq and that zero was never the same, so thats my experience with Trijicon.

Interesting, as did I. Never had issues with any Aimpoint or Triji. I beat the hell out of my rifles over there, naturally.
I bought two of the Hurons when they were $299 and I like them so far but they're our newest scopes and haven't seen a lot of reps, got a Credo used here on RS as well and also like it a lot and it's on my 6.8 SPC hog rifle now that gets beat to hell. I also used to have a VX Freedom and never had an issues with it whatsoever, and my middle son's rifle has a Diamondback on it. I tried to "upgrade" it but he won't let me, never been an issue with that either. VX5-HD was dropped hard hitting the truck door frame on the way down and never lost zero but I've only had it about 2 years so again time will tell. The only issue I've literally ever had with a scope losing zero was one of my Hurons was magically 8" low at 100 yards on it's 2nd range trip ever, and wife's Diamondback after she football spiked it onto a boulder when she slipped crossing a creek it developed a fog but also didn't lose zero when we checked it. I never figured out why the Huron was 8" low, simply adjusted it and it's been fine since but it's creepy. I have since dismounted it and gone through everything and remounted it on a different rifle and it's so far been fine. Since you like your Freedom and know what to expect that's a good option, if you want to try something new I'd still try one of the Huron scopes if they go on sale again, or something used here in the classifieds like a Huron or Credo.
I tried out all of the burris scopes in the sub $400 price range and some in the $500-$600 range. I was completely unimpressed. Quality was just not there, glass was the worst out of the scopes I checked out and tracking was off. The only exception was the burris Veracity, seemed pretty decent overall, but its in the $600+ range.

I also checked out the Trijicon Huron and it seemed pretty decent, eyebox was a bit tighter then I liked, but usable. Overall this just seemed like a good scope. I wanted more magnification and parallax adjustment though, so I ended up going a different direction.

I ended up getting a Meopta Optika5 3-15x44. They also have a 2.5-10x if you are looking for something smaller/lighter. Turret tracking is excellent, overall feel and quality seem really good. Glass/low light performance is the best I saw in this price range. I will know how it holds up after a bit more usage, but it seems good so far. Depending on mag range, they go for $360-$450. I got mine for around $400 shipped on sale.
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The Huron 3-9x40 with the Hunter Hold reticle is currently $450 at Eurooptic. I realize that isn't "under 400," but I don't think you will ever be disappointed by spending the additional $51 if you can swing it.