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  1. luckydraw2014

    2024 Bugle Report

    Just left Flat Tops in Colorado. Spotted 2 cows through a spotter and chased them. Put on lots of miles but that was the only sign. After 5 years of being in the same GMU in Colorado, don’t think I am going back again. Heading to other states next year.
  2. luckydraw2014

    I drew 76 for Archery!

    Have you asked your Outfitter? Just saying he may have been there a time or 2 😂
  3. luckydraw2014

    Getting close to opening day!

    1st or 2nd wife 😂😂. I would go for it.
  4. luckydraw2014

    What camo pattern are you going to wear this archery elk season?

    ASAT is legit. I wear ASAT for whitetail and I just blend in
  5. luckydraw2014

    I Found the Average Rokslide Elk Hunter

    Why would you share that with someone you supposedly care for on Rokslide😂😂. I am going to take a hard look at myself this September.
  6. luckydraw2014

    Let's help some guys/gals get their first archery elk!

    Year 6 for me hunting elk. 1 year in UT and 4 in OTC Colorado. Just added my oldest son and 2 more guys for this year, misery loves company 😂. Took me 5 to get my first white tail on public land in IL. Thank you for putting this post together. If you really want to help just send me some...
  7. luckydraw2014

    Early Season Archery Tactics

    Was in Colorado early in Sept, no new sign from 9-11.4. Honest to God, cow elk side of the road mid morning 6500......seriously!!
  8. luckydraw2014

    New guy Illinois

    Welcome from Crystal Lake
  9. luckydraw2014

    Colorado Weather

    I see alot of rain...should i bring my waders??
  10. luckydraw2014

    Colorado OTC Archery Honey Holes!

    to the Honey Hole and you will find 10 pages of search results. good luck this year
  11. luckydraw2014

    *edited*Official roast the first time elk hunter thread

    Too many out of state hunters-- said no Rocky Mountain resident ever...... ...Well Known Rocksliders can ask for pics and not get roasted. Roasting is for the guy with one post asking for "help" Lets keep it civilized Rocksliders. Good luck this year!
  12. luckydraw2014

    Archery OTC Elk Partner SEP 07 - SEP 15

    For those of you that follow Cam Hanes and David of the funniest comments I read was "great Cam taught Goggins how to bow hunt, now he is gonna kill every elk on the mountain :) I never served but come from a military family, so always appreciate the sacrifice and commitment.
  13. luckydraw2014

    Colorado Archery GMU 74,75,751

    You will find a bunch of cows between 7k-12k.....they also say meww alot. good luck this year.
  14. luckydraw2014

    2 weeks out! Dialing in and Final Prep

    crap....flagging tape and wind checker. Anything else I forgot LOL
  15. luckydraw2014

    I will be using truck to stay mobile as the pressure will keep them on the move. I have my...

    I will be using truck to stay mobile as the pressure will keep them on the move. I have my RTT and backcountry sleep kit so I am flexible. I can pay for an outfitter but would rather do it myself. This will be my 2nd trip to Colorado and 3rd elk trip, long time hunter.
  16. luckydraw2014

    I am in IL so definitely driving, plus I have my RTT on top. I was in the West Elk in 2020...

    I am in IL so definitely driving, plus I have my RTT on top. I was in the West Elk in 2020 and spent a few days in 521 just north of Paonia. I have mapped out 43, 34 and 521 for this go around. Starting in 34 and will head south as the week progresses. Plan is staying mobile with the...
  17. luckydraw2014

    2 weeks out! Dialing in and Final Prep

    Just ordered my final food preps, RTT is mounted and ready to rock. Doing my final dialing in on my backup bow JIK. 21 days and counting..
  18. luckydraw2014

    Archery OTC Elk Partner SEP 07 - SEP 15

    Hey Scuba. Those are the dates I am out in CO. I am going solo myself and have my units picked out. Send me an IM and let see if we can coordinate on units and help each other out.
  19. luckydraw2014

    Colorado Partners

    is this a taco or a sandwich
  20. luckydraw2014

    Colorado Partners

    what are you doing in early September? LOL