Colorado Weather

Nov 27, 2013
We still have a long ways to go, but wow, the rain has arrived. I've always preferred typical bluebird September days. It would be miserable being in the elk woods right now!

Pray the rains keep coming for another week, and then shutdown. If not, don't forget your Helly Hansens and a good tarp!
I was thinking about that yesterday. Usually roll in with just a rain jacket in my pack, might need to look into pants and think about carrying my tarp. Not going to complain about the rain though, had a fire come a little to close for comfort to my house down here in the Springs in May.
Where I live in NoCo, we have had the "monsoon" going since June. It rains some, a little or a LOT, about 5 out of every 7 days. Right now at at a little before noon it is 59 degrees at 8600'
About 40 degrees cooler than here right now and yesterday it was 10 degrees hotter than today.
I know some who like hunting in rain, me, I hate it. This would be miserable up high for sure. Heck, when it clears I wouldn't doubt there is snow above 12k.
I know some who like hunting in rain, me, I hate it. This would be miserable up high for sure. Heck, when it clears I wouldn't doubt there is snow above 12k.
I was scouting in WY at about 9800' a week or so ago and it got down to 39 at night. And it rained hard in the afternoon both days. Was sure happy to have a Space jacket stuffed in the bottom of my pack. I hate hunting in the rain too, but guys in the Pacific NW either hunt in the rain or they don't hunt.
Im in Meeker and we get rain around us, mostly to the east, almost daily for the last month. GMU22 has gotten quite a bit this year as has 11. I was in 12 yesterday and we got hailed on for an hour straight at 10,000ft. Got under the rain fly and waited it out. It is one soggy SOB up there with all the rain we have gotten!
I’m heading up to scout/fish next week , guess I’ll pack rain gear! We’re in a severe drought here so cold and wet sounds kinda nice, for the first couple hours! 😂
Last month i heard it was getting really dry in CO. I guess all that changed pretty quick. Im glad you guys are getting some moisture now. I hope its not too sloppy mid september!
I started a thread on the Footwear board about possibly using rubber boots this year due to the moisture where I hunt. It is so saturated you sink to your ankles in mud everywhere you go and that is even on the steep parts!
Here in the southern/central part of the State I've been hiking around 9k-11k and it's like a rainforest right now. The understory is waist and chest high in most places. You pretty much need waterproof clothing head to toe if you plan on traveling off of trails and roads right now. Heavy rain almost every evening since late June.
I’m out in the high country of SW CO every weekend. I don’t believe there has been a day out this summer that I have not gotten rain on. It’s wild. Mosquitoes are still bad, too.
I did notice some of the tundra flora turning yellow this past weekend so fall is just around the corner.
I started a thread on the Footwear board about possibly using rubber boots this year due to the moisture where I hunt. It is so saturated you sink to your ankles in mud everywhere you go and that is even on the steep parts!
How has it been in 24 for rain. Did you say you do some guiding.
With all the rain. Is there anything that y'all would suggest bringing aside from rain fly and rain gear that will help keep things dry? I saw some post about tarps, sorry to be ignorant but what are you using the tarps for?
Hiked the Colorado Trail - July 4th through Aug 4th this year. Once I was southwest of Breckenridge/Copper Mountain, it rained nearly every day. Not just the typical afternoon storms that just last an hour, more like all afternoon and evening.
Hiked the Colorado Trail - July 4th through Aug 4th this year. Once I was southwest of Breckenridge/Copper Mountain, it rained nearly every day. Not just the typical afternoon storms that just last an hour, more like all afternoon and evening.

Nice. Congrats on doing that trail and finishing in 4 weeks. I’ll be up doing segments 23 and 24 (Cataract Ridge) over Labor Day weekend.
I’ve done that part on a bike (correction: pushing a bike) before. Thought it might be more enjoyable backpacking.