Why heck, did you really look at your maps? Ruby lakes are above 11000 and the country around goes a lot higher so not sure what you are looking at. Have seen a few of that outfitters usual drop camps around there, they are plenty high. I would sure not stay at his ruby lake main camp to hunt from.
archery hunted elk in 76 3X since 2017 DIY. thanks to reissue list and points.
you are going guided so not sure what help you need as they will line you out just fine.
my last hunt up there when I arrowed a 330” bull, long ridge owner got very pissy bc I packed in with llamas 3 miles deeper than his deepest camp but he felt I was in ‘his’ area. Sheesh. Somehow he thinks the 150k acres he has permission for conveys exclusive access. LOL. None of his hunters stepped foot anywhere near us. That said he runs a good outfit and you will have a fun hunt and his general store on the hwy makes AWESOME green chili cheeseburgers that are famous. Anyway I could see one of his drop camps from the high ground I was hunting and walked past others. Perhaps the one you will be at was the one we glassed regularly and it had elk around it.
If you are from Colo, surely you will hunt more than just a week in a drop camp?. That unit is absolutely hunt-able from a truck camp in addition to what get into by going deep. Three good, dead archery bulls from one drop camp is a tall order in a week. Darn shame if y’all do not invest more in the hunt than that one week. what are your plans?
ATV all way to ruby lakes this summer and scout it for your self. I did that and learned a lot. Roughest, kidney bruising ATV trail I have ridden, bar none, but lots of folks do it.