Archery OTC Elk Partner SEP 07 - SEP 15


Feb 4, 2020
I have some post-deployment leave to burn from 07-15 September, but my hunting buddy just bailed on our backcountry OTC archery hunt. I probably won’t have another opportunity for the next few years, so here’s hoping:

I have no experience out West (got 3 points in a few states, haven’t drawn yet), but I have the stamina and gear to keep up. I will not slow you down.

Here’s my 30 second sell:

-Infantry dude
-Ranger Tab
-2:04 12mi ruck (40lb pack)
-Great attitude
-Im an animal on the packout
-7 white tails, 5 pigs with my bow from ‘19-‘20
(‘21 season deployed)

Please let me know if you’d want to team up or let me tag along. I’m flexible on Location, unit, type of hunt, just can’t change my dates.

Thanks all
I'm no help either, but I wish you luck! Thank you for your service and I hope the elk gods smile on you in September!
Hey Scuba. Those are the dates I am out in CO. I am going solo myself and have my units picked out.

Send me an IM and let see if we can coordinate on units and help each other out.
Hopefully luckydraw2014 can help you.

Just want to say you are getting into a fun and addictive hobby. Even if you don’t get a buddy to go with, a tabbed guy is one of few guys I would tell to maybe go solo anyway. Ranger school is great hunt fitness/mental toughness prep. I graduated 3-18.

You know what you are capable of and just as importantly, you know your limits. Just get educated on meat care and have a plan for that. I have no doubt packing the weight over any distance won’t be an issue for you. But if it takes too many hours in the heat, you could be losing out big time.

Plan out to the last detail like you would a mission, and you will at least have a great time. Also, don’t be overconfident in your skills either. This ain’t Dahlonega and there is no RI looking over your route to make sure it is safe or realistic. So plan well, be safe, and I hope you do find a good contact here to go with. I’ll be out there the last week and a half of September.

Good luck,
Shame Idaho tags are so hard to get. We have a crew of LEO’s all
Prior military headed to Idaho for most of Sept. Willing to bet you would fit right in.
04-13 grad here. I missed a couple of seasons hunting to go play army man in Afghanistan. Might be able to give you some advice if you are headed out to Co.
For those of you that follow Cam Hanes and David of the funniest comments I read was "great Cam taught Goggins how to bow hunt, now he is gonna kill every elk on the mountain :)

I never served but come from a military family, so always appreciate the sacrifice and commitment.
Hopefully luckydraw2014 can help you.
Just want to say you are getting into a fun and addictive hobby. Even if you don’t get a buddy to go with, a tabbed guy is one of few guys I would tell to maybe go solo anyway. Ranger school is great hunt fitness/mental toughness prep. I graduated 3-18.

You know what you are capable of and just as importantly, you know your limits. Just get educated on meat care and have a plan for that. I have no doubt packing the weight over any distance won’t be an issue for you. But if it takes too many hours in the heat, you could be losing out big time.

Plan out to the last detail like you would a mission, and you will at least have a great time. Also, don’t be overconfident in your skills either. This ain’t Dahlonega and there is no RI looking over your route to make sure it is safe or realistic. So plan well, be safe, and I hope you do find a good contact here to go with. I’ll be out there the last week and a half of September.

Good luck,
Thanks for the advice Dave, it’s been a minute since I’ve humped the extra 7.62 and tripod, but they say it’s like riding a bike.

Happy hunting brother
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Shame Idaho tags are so hard to get. We have a crew of LEO’s all
Prior military headed to Idaho for most of Sept. Willing to bet you would fit right in.
Forreal man, even those leftover tags sold out quick. I’ve got some ranger buddies in those parts, so if I ever make it out there I’ll drop you a line.

Shoot a big one!
I have some post-deployment leave to burn from 07-15 September, but my hunting buddy just bailed on our backcountry OTC archery hunt. I probably won’t have another opportunity for the next few years, so here’s hoping:

I have no experience out West (got 3 points in a few states, haven’t drawn yet), but I have the stamina and gear to keep up. I will not slow you down.

Here’s my 30 second sell:

-Infantry dude
-Ranger Tab
-2:04 12mi ruck (40lb pack)
-Great attitude
-Im an animal on the packout
-7 white tails, 5 pigs with my bow from ‘19-‘20
(‘21 season deployed)

Please let me know if you’d want to team up or let me tag along. I’m flexible on Location, unit, type of hunt, just can’t change my dates.

Thanks all
If you're dates were later it might work out for you to join, but you wouldn't be able to have a tag.

My vote is to go solo. I enjoy a hunting partner in camp with me, but my most favorite and usually the most successful hunts are solo.

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