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  1. T

    How to get over missing the big one?

    Exactly right, this isn't a competition. We aren't pioneers that won't last the winter unless we have 2 elk and 5 dead deer... Relax, remember this is a hobby and it's supposed to be fun. The excitement and experience will keep the fire burning
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    Unlimited PTO?!?

    I'm a small business owner, my brother works for one of the Detroit sports team..... He's told me that they give him unlimited pto and I always wondered how and why they did that, now I get it. Said company are also very good at terminating employees. Makes sense now
  3. T

    Chris Brackett's Landlife Podcast

    It's a shame that so much of the public keeps supporting these " celebrity hunters" that get busted for poaching, cheating, etc... gotta keep up the race for the most dead animals and socially distorted media likes I suppose.
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    CO Ballot Initiative to ban Mtn Lion hunt

    I know there are some Colorado residents on here, does this stand a chance of being passed, or just another bunch of hot air? I have lion hunt planned in 2025, just wondering if I should be worried
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    Canadian whitetail outfitters

    I was pretty impressed with the AWGS website, that looks like the kind of operation I'm looking for. They have a pile of videos, mostly after the kill interviews, they seem to be pretty well done. I'll see if I can find some Brad Fry videos to check out too
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    Canadian whitetail outfitters

    Lots of good suggestions, thank you all!
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    Canadian whitetail outfitters

    I'll get busy, thanks!!
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    Canadian whitetail outfitters

    Any good recommendations for solid Canadian outfitter? Saskatchewan or Alberta most likely, rifle or muzzleloader season. Thanks in advance
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    Mule Deer Antelope Combo WY

    I'm looking at booking the 2 state deer hunt with these guys too, did you do the hunt yet, looking for some feedback, thanks in advance
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    First RF binos?

    I wanted the Zeiss, they felt the best in my hands. The price tag is what stopped me. Plus I live in Michigan and only hunt out west once a year, so low light performance and saving a few bucks for Wyoming tags , cough cough cough,,, I went with the Meoptas. The swarovski was my least favorite...
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    First RF binos?

    I bought the geovids, 10x42. Low light, midwest hunting, not the brightest. Bought the meopta 8x56 rf's because my old 8x50 trinovids were so awesome in low light. The meoptas range better, range farther and due to the exit pupil are waaaay better in low light. My Geovids are for sale now.
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    Meopta Optika LR VS Leica Geovid R Binoculars, Matt Cashell

    I own the meopta lr and the geovid r, the meoptas measure range much faster, you can get readings from targets that the leicas won't pick up. I bought the leicas new for such a good price I'll probably keep them, but they won't be my first choice. I got the meoptas right from their website...
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    out of the <1 club :)

    Totally awesome!! Congratulations on your ram!!
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    Would you give up your truck?

    I'll give up my truck right after they all confess for all the crimes they have committed, get convicted and get sentenced. Oh, and pay back all the people they have screwed. here waiting with title in hand.
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    300” BULL POST UP

    310, my first and only elk
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    Property vs 401K

    I'm in the same boat. Just bought a couple acres of commercial property bordering the property my shop is on, much better than watching my 25 years of 401k investments tank... always remember, they aren't making any more property either..
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    Meopta Optika RF binos

    Definitely reputable, I think they are 90 years in business. They have some interesting history in Europe. As far as re sale, I'm not sure. Should be close to what Leica would bring
  18. T

    Meopta Optika RF binos

    Definitely reputable, I think they are 90 years in business. They have some interesting history in Europe. As far as re sale, I'm not an expert, but seems like losing 30% on any euro glass is the norm. I have some meopta 15x56s that my eyes think are just as clear as the swarovski 15x56.
  19. T

    Meopta Optika RF binos

    I ordered a pair, right from Meopta, 20% off, there's a code on their FB page. Should be ranging deer tomorrow night with em