Chris Brackett's Landlife Podcast


Feb 27, 2018
Hey guys love him or hate him, Chris Brackett has a podcast now. He only has a few episodes out so far, and so far I've just listened to 2 of them, but there is a ton of good info on hunting big mature whitetails. Tips & tactics on hunting the wind, calling, scent elimination, to decoying, to setting up food plots etc. I would recommend anyone who looking to gain more knowledge on taking a mature whitetail to take a listen. As I'm sure most know Chris has some issues on his hunting ethics (or lack of) in the past. He's paid his debt to society (served his hunting ban), and now appears to have found god. I just thought his podcast was well done, and full of good information, so I thought I would make my fellow Roksliders aware of it. You can find it on Spotify if you're interested...
If you’re wanting to gain knowledge on deer hunting and setting up your property I’d give Don Higgins’ podcast a try. Be aware he’s a product pusher but he knows his stuff. He also does a lot of charity work. For public land hunting Id look up any podcast that Bobby Worthington has been on.
Not surprised by some of the responses here. I get it. I took a listen & found his podcast to have a lot of good helpful information. Some stuff I had never thought of, so I thought I would just make people aware. I don't condone the things he's done in his past. I'm looking to gain knowledge on how to kill that 5,6,7 year old mature buck, so I will absolutely look into Don Higgins & Bobby Worthington. Thanks for the suggestion Roosterstraw
Not just one eye, but both. And both ears.
Careful, you might end up lookin like this:
Tough crowd here--I wasn't a fan of Brackett when he was doing Fear No Evil. But I have listened to his podcasts this fall regarding deer hunting. He kills mature whitetails and seems to have his places dialed in.

My brother is a Don Higgins disciple and really likes him.

I'm not one to judge...I hope he is a true believer.