First RF binos?

I’m looking for opinions on first RF binos. I was considering the meopta, Lecia Geovid R, Vortex fury and Nikon. I’m more concerned with try them working and how well. I know vortex warranty, but I’d rather have something that’s not gonna need it. I’ve been running binos and an old vortex ranger that’s been replaced a few times. But the two part system has caused me grief
. Around this price range what’s some opinions? This will be for whitetail and pig hunting.
I bought the geovids, 10x42. Low light, midwest hunting, not the brightest. Bought the meopta 8x56 rf's because my old 8x50 trinovids were so awesome in low light. The meoptas range better, range farther and due to the exit pupil are waaaay better in low light. My Geovids are for sale now.
Used my mini sig 6ks this weekend for tripod glassing and ranged trees at 2200yds. I could see what I needed to out to 2 miles. Not counting tines outside of a mile though.

The RF on the Sigs is awesome. The glass is fine. The ballistics solver and onboard sensors are also really good.

In a 25oz package I really think these are cool.
Zeiss and Swaro not on your list?
I wanted the Zeiss, they felt the best in my hands. The price tag is what stopped me. Plus I live in Michigan and only hunt out west once a year, so low light performance and saving a few bucks for Wyoming tags , cough cough cough,,, I went with the Meoptas. The swarovski was my least favorite in my hands. Great product, just not for me.

Was just out scoping the local deer heard with the Meoptas, low light is really good, I'm just blown away by how much better the rangefinder is compared to the Geovids. Well see how they do this winter in the cold!!
Have used Geovid Rs for years now, have never had me really wanting to spend 2-3x more on the higher end European models.