Meopta Optika RF binos


Feb 10, 2021
Anyone out there using these? I am wondering if these will be any better in snow and rain than my gen 1 geovids.
I bought a pair a few weeks back. They are phenomenal! I Compared to my meostars and color and brightness was very similar. Much better then sig vortex and Gpo rf Binos I looked at.
I ordered a pair, right from Meopta, 20% off, there's a code on their FB page. Should be ranging deer tomorrow night with em
Definitely reputable, I think they are 90 years in business. They have some interesting history in Europe. As far as re sale, I'm not an expert, but seems like losing 30% on any euro glass is the norm. I have some meopta 15x56s that my eyes think are just as clear as the swarovski 15x56.
Definitely reputable, I think they are 90 years in business. They have some interesting history in Europe. As far as re sale, I'm not sure. Should be close to what Leica would bring