Great review. I’ll add that I’ve used the original 10x42 geovids for about 8 years. They obviously aren’t swarovski glass but I’ve always been able to get the job done. Even glassing up coues bucks in thick vegetation out to 1200 yards. The biggest draw back I always thought was the speed and range of the lazer.
I recently purchased the new geovid r 15x56 binos and they are amazing! Glass quality is definitely a little better and the lazer is much improved. I have had no issues ranging game to 1700 yards so far. Game just pops under this glass. I feel confident 2000 yards and under that I will turn up everything on the hillside.
I have started carrying these instead of 10x42s and a spotting scope in many situations. They aren’t quite as easy to handhold but it is doable with practice. I’m super happy with them and think they are invaluable. Hunting coues in Mexico last year there were a few occasions where I found a buck with 15x56 swaro slcs, but if I tried to find the animal with my rangefinder or geovids, would loose the animal and never see it again. Being able to long range glass, get a range, and film through the same optic is next level. They are absolutely worth the money and punch above their price.